Chapter 3

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I kicked up a rock as I waited outside of the Second House's temple beneath a cherry tree. I tugged at the tie around my neck and sighed heavily. I breathed so heavily my glasses on the bridge of my nose fogged up.

"Relax would ya? You are gonna freak her out if you don't calm down." Pichit groaned munching on a bag of chips.

"I can't help it. I know we've been friends since we were kids but this is different. I'm going to be meeting my-my" I couldn't bring myself to say the words.

"Your wife."Sara finished for me. I glanced over my shoulder to where she stood guard.

"Thank you so much." I made a face.

"Eh, don't worry about it Yuri. I'm sure you will please her just fine."JJ winked. Several pairs of eyes turned to stare at him. "


"Ignoring that. C'mon Yuri you can do this. She's just a girl." Pichit waved his hand dismissively.

"Just make sure you treat her like the queen she is. Dote on her; wait on her hand and foot. Treat her like a goddess that aligned the stars." Mickey proclaimed.

"He's never even been with a woman." Sara rolled her eyes at her brother.

"No but I do have a sister whom I love dearly and treat well and that's how I would want her to be treated by another man." Mickey blushed looking away. 

Pichit chimed in trying to avoid the hostile argument about to ensue between the twins. Even JJ looked uncomfortable.

I glanced to Otabek leaning against a tree with his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing his infamous leather jacket and fingerless gloves. He wore ray bans to shield his eyes, but by the slightest upturn of his lips I could tell he was listening in amusement.

I tuned out the incoherent babbling as I looked to the temple painted a calming jade green with gold trim. The temple was similar to the one back home though ours was red and gold.

I held my hand out to silence them when I heard the doors open and my father stepped out onto the dais. The four of them quieted and watched as my father approached. Otabek stood straight as he watched from his perch.

"Ready Yuri?" My father beamed. I felt my stomach shrink.

No I'm not!

"Yes." I nodded. This is it. No going back now. Once we signed the contract Yuuko would be coming home with us. I followed him inside with one last glance over my shoulder.

Pichit smiled encouragingly. They all did.
Thankful for the support I turned and headed inside. I stood near the alter in the center of the temple as Yuuko's father approached.

He was older than when I had last seen him, then again I was a pudgy ten year old at the time.

I quickly bowed before him in honor and respect and thanked him for having me.
My cheeks burned as he stared at me sternly. A smile spread across his face after several torturous moments.

"Welcome! Toshiya you didn't tell me your son was such a looker." He smirked as my breath caught in my throat.


"I  didn't think it would matter." My father chuckled taking in my lean but athletic build.

"He's very polite. I am sure he will make Yuuko happy. Speaking of, Yuri she is in the garden waiting." He gestured over his shoulder. I bowed and thanked him before hurrying away.

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