Chapter 2

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I lie back on my bed with the heavy maroon curtains drawn tight. I stared at the canopy above. My eyes fixated on a small spec of dust on the sheer curtain.

I can't help but feel something is missing in my life. There has to be more than this.

I said heavily and a grunt sounded from the doorway. I lolled my head to the side to see Yurio standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Why are you so mopey?" He asked and I smirked.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I challenged.

"Fine. Why are you acting like a bitch?" Yurio leaned against the doorframe looking bored.

There is the Yurio I know.

I laughed and sat up.

"Still no stamp of approval from Yakov then eh?" I chuckled and Yurio paled. Well if he could get any paler than he already was.

"No!" He whined.
"It's not like I want to eat it. I just want to keep it as my own awesome pet!" He huffed irritably.

"Siberian tigers are extinct." I pointed out.

"Exactly! I would have the last one should they die out. Hell I could get two and breed them and make them not extinct!" Yurio shoved off of the wall excitedly.

"Yakov will have your head. No pets. Remember what happened last time." I asked arching a brow.

"Georgie."Yurio hissed. I nodded solomnly.

"Why don't you do what Chris does and find yourself a toy?" I placed a finger on my chin smirking coyly.

"Fuck that! Why don't you? You are the one who mopes and hides in his room all day and night." Yurio spat back.

Ah, he always finds a way of calling me out.

"I hide in here so I don't have to go out there." I shrugged indifferent.

"Some dark prince you turned out to be." Yurio stuck his tongue out.

"Being the son of the king of vampires doesn't mean I have to be social." I sighed rolling onto my back to search for the spec.

"It kind of does actually. Like for example being the prince you should already know that a human visited the grounds today." Yurio's voice lowered

I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. In seconds I had yanked Yurio into the room and slammed the door shut.

"What for?" I asked. It was forbidden for vampires to drink the blood of humans. Our coven followed the strict guidlines set out by the ancient ones.

Since the world has changed so much we adapted and now we drink blood substitutes. It's like drinking diet soda compared to regular soda. You can't really tell the difference.

Should a vampire drink a humans blood then that mortal would turn, and have the same thirst. A vampire would be burned at the stake for such a heinous crime.

"He came all the way from Japan." Yurio spat.

"He's from one of the Three Houses isn't  he?" I asked gripping Yurio's shoulders.

"Yes. He's from the Third. He said the first two are combining through a marriage. He said the heir to the First is weak, and useless. He asked Yakov to take out the heir so he could marry the second house and rule all three. He said with Yakov's help vampires could come out of hiding." Yurio explained.

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