Chapter 18

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I was excited. I hadn't seen Yuri in hours. I had hoped he was thinking of me.

I glanced at the shining ring on my hand and smiled. All was going according to plan. There was a minor misshap with Yurio, but he will get over it.

I glanced in his direction as he pouted out the window. Mila's black car behind mine kept up with my speed with ease. I smirked into the rear view mirror.

"You're sulking." I teased. Yurio's green eyes flashed in my direction with fury. His fangs protruded into his bottom lip as he hissed.

"Pay attention to the road idiot!" He snapped and I laughed.

I returned to my thoughts. I was thinking of Yuri and what I would say to him when this was all over.

I had told him I loved him. I meant it. I fell head over heels in love with him the moment I saw him. He already accepted my ring, perhaps he will accept me as a more permanent thing too?

I was imagining our life together when Yurio's phone rang.

I looked to him curiously. His eyes rounded and he swore into the reciever several times before throwing his phone on the floor of the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked avoiding on coming traffic with ease.

"Yuri has been kidnapped. They took him maybe ten minutes ago." Yurio held his hands up to calm me, or grab the wheel if needed.

What? No!

How could this have happened? They were supposed to protect him!

My nostrils flared as my vision turned red. I slammed on the gas throwing Yurio back into his seat. I blew through red light after red light.

I have to get to Yuri! If they touch a single hair on his head I swear I will kill them! I will kill them all!


I groaned as pain racked my frame. I felt like I had been hit by a truck. A clinking sound rang in my ears and echoed in the room.

I opened my eyes to see I was chained with cuffs to the wall of a small dark room. The room was empty except for a mat to lie on and a table on the other side of the cell room. The other side of the room was cast in shadow.

The windows were barred and the door had no handle. There was a small barred window on the door.

"H-hello?" I called. My voice was coarse as though I hadn't had water in days instead of hours.

"So you finally have awoken?" A voice spoke from the shadows.

I peered into the darkness to see none other than Nishigori himself.

"Nishigori, why would you do this?" I asked.

"The Second House was supposed to be mine. Yuuko was supposed to be mine." He narrowed his eyes.

A sliver of fear stabbed through me a moment before my temper flared.

This was getting ridiculous.

"Now hold on just one minute." I snapped. I stood clumsily.

The small stumble sucked out the confidence I was feeling a moment ago. I cleared my throat and continued.

"Yuuko is my friend. She is not just a means to gaining property. She's smart and beautiful and more than capable of running the second house on her own without a husband.

What did you really have to gain by hiring vampires to kill me? Did you really believe that by giving them the werewolves on a silver platter would put them in your debt? Then you are wrong.

I didn't understand a lot about them either. I took the time to get to know them and they are actually good people. Yes they have a dark past, and have a questionable diet, but it doesn't change who they are.

You would really start a war between your house and the first two just because I was chosen to marry Yuuko?" I rushed out in a breath.

"Of course not you idiot. You really think I would stop there?" He laughed.

I stared blankly at him.

"I plan on wiping out those nosey mutts, and bitter vampires, and taking over the ninja house as well. I am going to build myself an empire!

With you out of the way I can start with the Three Houses of Japan. Now excuse me, I have my future wife to kidnap." He saluted me before slamming the door behind him.

"Leave her alone!" I shouted fighting my restraints. I fell to my knees and rubbed my chafed wrists.

How could this happen? What was I going to do? I searched frantically for a way out knowing there was none.

I buried my face in my hands. Everyone I knew and loved was going to get hurt because of me. Tears streamed down my cheeks and dripped through my fingers.

I was going to die and my family was going to suffer. I'm so sorry.

I curled up on the mat. The next time Nishigori walked in here would be the last time I was still breathing.

This thought and feeling swept over me like a cold blanket. I wasn't going to leave this cell.

I tucked my knees into my chest as I allowed myself to mourn for those I was going to lose.

I stared longingly at my ring through blurred vision. It was still as radiant as it had been when Victor gave it to me.

I'm sorry Victor. I love you.


I grunted as both Otabek, some guy that was far too loud, and I all tried to hold Victor back.

His eyes glowed a bright blue. His fangs were exposed as he hurled insults at Minami and the werewolf.

The dark prince was fighting his way out of Victor's soft exterior.

"Calm down baka! You won't get Yuri back by killing them!" I shouted yanking back the arm I had.

This seemed to get through to him a little. He stopped fighting us.

"Mila and the others are on their way. They lost us when you lost your mind like an idiot." I placed my hands on my hips releasing him.

I glanced in Otabek's direction. His dark eyes refused to meet my gaze.

"Oh I will deal with you later." I narrowed my eyes flashing my fangs.

An apologetic look crossed his face. I quickly turned away. I could feel myself being sucked in by his stupid man-cat cuteness.

"What do we do now?" Minami asked with tears still streaming down his face. The werewolf beside him placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"We get Yuri back and kill them all." Victor spoke quietly with his back to us. He peeked over his shoulder. His blue eyes had gone black.

Oh no.

I shivered as cold dread pierced through my body.The dark prince was here and wouldn't rest until he had his revenge.

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