Chapter 36

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I was braced. Ready for Seung's attack. I waited to feel him collide with me but he never came.

I blinked in surprise. I scanned the room and found him slammed into a broken bookcase. He was hit so hard he nearly flew through the wall.

I realised then that Yuri stood between us. His legs spread apart in a defensive stance. His arms raised, his hands in fists. His body was shaking with emotion.

"Don't you touch him!" Yuri cried. Tears streamed down his cheeks as his teeth clenched.


I could hear Nishigori's intake of breath beside me. He didn't expect that either.

Seung rose unsteadily. His legs wobbled beneath him as he emerged from the debris. He wiped blood from his chin with a smirk.

"I am impressed." He muttered licking up the last drop of blood on his lips.

"But its not enough to defeat us kid." Nishigori spoke lunging from behind. He collided with me knocking me off balance. I could hear Yuri's breath escape him as Seung attacked landing a hit on him.

"Yuri!" I called his name frantically as the dust settled. I fought against Nishigori's choke hold. I spotted Seung towering over Yuri crumpled on the ground. He had smashed through Yakov's desk.

"V-Victor. I'm sorry." Yuri spoke through tears as Seung landed his final blow.

"No Yuri!" I screamed shoving my fist into Nishigori's gut. The satisfying sound of his breath being forced from his lungs escaped me as he released his hold on me. I escaped his grasp. 

My feet took me to him. I grabbed Seung by his shoulders and bit down on his neck. His screams were lost on me. I couldnt hear anything. Only the sound of my breaking heart as Yuri's heart beat slowed.

I yanked back with my teeth tearing the flesh of his neck. I dropped his body at my feet.

Yuri lie like a crumbled piece of paper on the floor.

How can this be? He was supposed to be stronger than even me.

I dropped to my knees and cradled his head in my hands.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I finally saw the gaping wound. Seung had delivered the blow meant for me into Yuri. Blood stained his body and began to pool around us.

He hit his heart.

I clenched my hands into fists as I kissed his bruised cheek.

I gingerly lay him back on the ground. I stood over his unmoving body. My head hung low as my rage boiled inside of me.

"You bastard!" I bellowed as I dove straight for Nishigori.

He caught me about the waist and hunched his shoulders as I drove him through two walls. We ended up in a spare bedroom.  We barreled through a wardrobe and landed on the floor by a sleigh bed.

Nishigori bucked me off of him. I landed on the bed and used the springs to launch myself back into the air. He caught me but was unprepaired for the fist that came down cracking his nose.

He shoved me away roughly and fixed his broken nose as he came at me with a howl of anger.

I took the hit straight to the ribs. I could hear several cracking.

I paid it no mind. I didnt have time for pain. This needed to end and it needed to end now.

For Yuri.

I charged him head on. Halfway through the distance I leapt into the air. My knees tucked beneath his arms. My hands reached for his thick neck.

My fingers curled around his neck. His face started to swell and change color as he clawed at my hands. My nails dug into his skin drawing blood.

"I should have done this a long time ago." I hissed splattering Seung's blood on his face.  I dipped my head and pressed my lips against his neck.

To any other person it would seem I was giving him a lover's kiss.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. My teeth pierced through his skin hitting the jugular. I bit down causing blood to spurt from the wound as I tore it open.

I twisted his head in the opposite direction hearing the satisfying popping of his neck snapping like a twig.

I sat on top of him watching the life drain from his eyes.

"You lose." I murmured smudging the blood from my face with my torn sleeve.

I left his cold dead body on the ground. I turned and rushed back to Yuri.

I lifted his head. Still no sign of life.

"Yuri? Please-Yuri wake up. Wake up Milaya moyA. Please don't leave me. I love you." I cradled his limp body against my chest.

I heard footsteps approach me from behind, but I didn't care. My world was splintering. My heart shattering.

"Yuri!" Pichit's familiar voice called through the haze before my eyes.

"Damn." Yurio's steady voice cracked as he stood over me. Otabek placed a hand on his shoulder as his dark eyes examined the scene around him.

"He's going to be okay right? He's going to make it." Pichit howled in despair as tears streamed down his face.

I scooped Yuri's body into my arms and cradled him against my chest.

I numbly carried him through the debris of our home. I staggered to the door. Bodies littered the floor of the mansion.

Everyone had fought well and made it through.

Everyone but Yuri.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I brushed his hair back from his sweet face.

I managed to wander with him in my arms all the way to the main gate. I could hear feet shuffling behind me uncertainly.

I ignored everyone as I took a step through the gate. My foot hesitated as my name was called.

"Victor, where do you think you are going?" Yurio's voice echoed in my ears.

"Yuri loved the beach. He should have got to see it one last time." I spoke just above a whisper. My fingers caressed his cheek leaving blood stains on his pale skin.

Suddenly a car rolled to a stop before me. I glanced up to see familiar brown hair and eyes leaping from the car.

"Victor wait!" Yuuko cried. She stopped before me breathlessly.

"Please. Let me help him." She reached for Yuri but I shrank back.

"Victor. I can help him. Hand him over." Yuuko squared her shoulders. Mickey stood protectively behind her.

"My house is that of  peace and healing. The springs of my house can heal him. Please. Let me save him." Yuuko cried holding her hand out.

You can save him? Yuri will be okay? He will live?

I felt a wave of hope wash over me as I stared at Yuuko's small hand before me. He can be saved. There is hope.

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