Chapter 15

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I sat upside down on the sofa. My head dangled over the edge of the cushions as Otabek paced before me.

"I want to go with you. Why do you have to go at all?" He asked. I sighed and sat up properly.

"Minami is my human familiar. If something happened to him because of me then I'd be a shitty vampire. Besides wouldn't you want your precious master to be safe? He'll be safer with me there." I shrugged carelessly.

Inside I was feeling like a stupid giddy girl. I was almost excited that Otabek was worried about me just as much as he was worried about his pig master.

I stood and grasped his broad shoulders in my hands.

Huh. Did I always look this delicate?

"Stop worrying you stupid man-cat. I'm a vampire. They are mere humans. I can handle it." I winked a moment before he wrapped his strong arms around me and kissed me.

I melted into his kiss a moment before I drew back. An innocent smile spread across my lips.

"You still aren't going." I laughed as his face fell.

"Listen, I just don't want anything to happen to you either. You are needed with the werewolves. Two roles of the same game. I will find you when this is over." I promised.

A strange look crossed his usual stoic features. It was as though he had just remembered something vitally important.

"I'm sorry Yurio, but I have to do this." He whispered.

I furrowed my brows in confusion as he scooped me into his arms and tossed me into my tiger cage.

"What the Hell are you doing?" I shouted.

"It's for your own good. I'm going with Yuri and Minami tonight." He dangled the keys before me and hurried from the room.

"You asshole come back here!" I yelled banging against the bars.

That baka! He's going to pay for this!


I stretched and yawned as I woke in Victor's bed. It was dark outside. I had grown accustomed to sleeping during the day and rising with the moon.

I glanced at Victor's sleeping face. I kissed the top of his head. He stirred and snuggled closer. I chuckled brushing his hair back from his face.

I loved him. This may be the last chance I had to see him.

Later tonight I will be leaving to meet Nishigori. I may not return.

"Yuri? Whats wrong?" Victor asked sleepily.

"Nothing. Just I wish I didn't have to go. I want to stay with you, but I can't. If I don't go Nishigori could attack my home and hurt Yuuko or my famiy. I just wish we had more time." I frowned.

"Me too, but I trust Yakov. You coming earlier than expected will throw off Nishigori and that is when we can make our move. I won't be far behind you Love. I will find you." Victor smiled and I leaned into his palm.

"I love you Victor." I turned to kiss his palm.

"I love you Yuri." He smiled. His blue eyes bore into mine.

I reluctantly withdrew from him to dress.
I changed into a pair of black pants and a gray and white striped sweater.

Victor sighed climbing out of bed. The moonlight bathed his naked body in white light. He stretched a moment before changing into black slacks, a white button down shirt with a black vest.

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