Chapter 27

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Yuri was fast asleep as I had expected. I took my seat beside his bed and watched him sleep for a long while.

He looked so peaceful. I longed to brush his dark disarray of hair from his face but thought better of waking him.

He stirred and I sat back.

His chocolate eyes found mine and I smiled softly.

"Victor, I didn't hear you come back." He smiled weakly. His dark brows knit together as his hand found mine.

"What is it?" He asked.

This is it. I have to tell him. This moment will define our future.

"Yuri, there is something I need to discuss with you." I sighed running my fingers through my hair.

"You're scaring me." Yuri searched my face for any hint but I was still too raw myself to express anything.

"Nishigori, he-he poisoned you my sweet. Yakov is doing everything he can to find an antidote but it is looking hopeless." I began to explain.

Yuri paled. His hand trembled and I closed my hands around it squeezing his fingers gently.

"Am I going to die?" He asked. His voice cracked as our gazes locked.

A single tear rolled down my cheek. He blinked back tears knowing the answer.

I leaned close and cupped his cheek.

"I will do anything I can to save you." I said earnestly.

"What could you do without an antidote?" Yuri asked as the tears spilled over.

"You've survived this long because my blood is in your veins. We could- I could change you into a vampire. It could save your life." I whispered brushing back his hair.

His eyes rounded as he blinked in surprise.

"I-I don't know Victor. What if I become a monster?" Yuri cried.

I grasped his shoulders gently but firmly in my hands and forced him to meet my eye.

"I won't let you. I can't let you die." I cried. I collapsed onto his chest as my body was wracked with sobs.

"Victor?" Yuri whispered my name.


I never thought I would see Victor Nikiforov break down into tears. Yet here he was sobbing uncontrollably over my chest. His hands clutched my shoulders afraid to let go.

He really does love me.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. I didn't release him until his sobs stifled into sniffles and the occasional hiccup.

"Do you feel better?" I asked brushing his silver hair from his face.

"I'm sorry." He apologized looking away ashamed. His pink nose was shiny and his eyes were brimmed in red. His long lashes were still wet.

"Don't be. It's the most human I have ever seen you. It kind of makes me feel better about crying all of the time." I dropped a shoulder in a shrug.

He grinned at that before his face became serious.

"You have to choose Yuri. Whatever you choose, I will be right here by your side. I love you." Victor suddenly leaned close and gently pressed his lips against mine.

Completely overwhelemd I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged him closer. His eyes opened a moment in surprise before he cupped my face and kissed me back.

I poked his lips with the tip of my tongue questioningly.  He chuckled opening his mouth to me and deepened the kiss. A small moan escaped the back of my throat.

I felt myself harden beneath the sheets.

I want him. I don't know what's come over me, but I want him. I need him.

Just as I began to reach for him someone cleared their throat.

We jumped apart to see Pichit standing with an amused expression on his face with his arms crossed over his chest, and Minami blushing furiously in embarrassment.

Victor laughed and slipped his hand in mine as he sat at the edge of the bed. My face turned bright pink as I avoided their gaze.

"Yakov is looking for you Victor." Minami announced hiding behind Pichit.

"Ah okay. I won't be long." He grinned and kissed me deeply once more making me breathless. He winked before leaving me with Pichit and Minami.

"Feeling better?" Pichit laughed as Minami squealed.


I opened the door to Yakov's office and found him, Yurio, and Otabek standing in the center of the room.

"What's going on?" I asked

"Nishigori sent this." Yakov muttered waving a digitial file. Yurio used a remote control and played the message.

Nishigori appeared on screen.

"Hello putrid vampires. Thought you got the best of me? Hehe.

I suppose by now you have discovered the poison flowing through Yuri's veins. It is a toxin I had created in my very own lab. Only I have the antidote. 

If you want your precious Yuri to survive then hand over the Houses, and surrender the vampires to me. I don't want Yuri Katsuki anymore. I want Victor. Hand over Victor and this all goes away.

You have my demands. You have 48 hours to decide. Oh by the way that's just about as long as Yuri has to live. It's your choice Nikiforov. "

With that the clip ended. I stared at the computer screen for a long while.

"Stupid bastard thinks he can outsmart us? There is no way we are going to surrender to him." Yurio shouted.

"Whatever we decide, we don't have much time to decide it." Otabek frowned.

"We could try the same plan as last time. This time it will be Victor instead of Katsuki, so the odds of him escaping unscathed are better. He could get the antidote and end this once and for all." Yakov spoke mostly to himself.

"If it didn't work once, we sure as hell aren't going to try it again. I say we take it by force." Yurio crossed his arms over his chest annoyed.

"If Yuri has decided on becoming a vampire do we need the antidote?" Otabek asked.

"It would be the best case scenario. He could not make the change and die either way. Does no one listen when I talk?" Yakov growled.

"I'm sorry what did you say? I wasn't listening." Yurio made a face and Yakov turned red from the neck up.

"You've been awefully quiet Victor. What is your opinion?" Otabek asked.

Three pairs of eyes turned to stare at me.

My hands were clenched into fists. I stared at a spot on the floor until my eyes burned.

I can't lose Yuri. Not again. I promised to keep him safe and I will. I won't let him die!

"I'm going to get that antidote. I'm going to turn myself in." I announced facing them. Their eyes rounded as I raised my chin.

There was no changing my mind. I wasn't going to come back.

For Yuri. I would do anything. Even at the cost of my own life.

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