Chapter 37

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We had traveled the long drive to the Second house of Three of Japan. It was excruciatingly boring.

Otabek brushed his fingers through my hair as I lay my head on his lap. It had been days since we arrived and days since Nishigori's defeat.

Wish I could have seen it when Victor killed him. Bastard deserved much worse.

I snorted and Otabek paused in his finger combing.

"Something on your mind Kitten?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes at the pet name.

I guess its not that bad.

"I was just thinking about Victor killing Nishigori. I hope he got what he deserved." I muttered. Otabek was thoughtful for a moment before he smiled softly.

"Wasn't it you that said something about not letting revenge turn you into a monster?" He raised a dark brow. I pouted crossing my arms over my chest.

"That is not relevent and completely out of context." I stuck my tongue out. He chuckled shaking his head.

"Just remember you saved Victor in that sense once, and that may be why he didn't turn into that monster again from so long ago."Otavek shrugged.

"Are you saying Victor matured?" I asked doubtfully crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes." Otabek nodded slowly. As he did so the doors to the lounge of the apartment we were using burst open.

Victor on cue began the water works.

"Why isn't he awake yet!?" He wailed like a baby stomping his foot.

I stared pointedly at Otabek and he sighed.

"These things take time Victor. Yuuko and the monks are working really hard." Otabek spoke softly.

"But it's taking too long!" He whined plopping onto the sofa beside us. I growled tossing my legs over the edge sitting up straight.

"Quit your crying baka." I snapped.

Victor pursed his lips in a pout. I groaned rolling my eyes.

He stood up and stood over me with an accusing look in his eye, but his face was still puckered.

"You're worried too! I knew it!" He cried throwing his arms around me.

"That is it! Isn't he awake yet?!" I shouted trying to fight Victor off of me.

The doors opened once more to reveal Pichit, Minami, and Yuuko.

"Yes, he is." Yuuko smiled softly.

Victor slumped against me.

"Hey!" I hissed ready to complain or yell again when I realized his dramatic tears were gone and instead were fresh tears of joy and disbelief.

We hurried toward the temple where Yuri had been taken days ago.

This is it.


This is it. Yuri is going to finaly wake.

I followed hot on Yuuko's heels as we entered the temple.

In the center of the jade green temple was an alter. Sitting up on the alter surrounded by candles, burning sage and incense, and cherry blossom petals was the most precious sight I had ever beheld.

I met his brown eyes from across the room. His eyes dilated a fraction before a smile spread across his face.

"Yuri!" I cried rushing to him. His arms opened just in time for me to throw myself into them.

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