Chapter 7

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I lay on my bed  sprawled out with my head dangling over the edge. I watched Otabek lounge in the cage with his arms draped over his knees. His dark eyes watched me with annoyance.

"So this is how it ends? Dying of boredom in a cage. Thought I'd go getting hit by a car but this works too." He made a face.

He's pretty cute when he's being sarcastic.

I shook my head and rolled onto my stomach.

"Do you have a better idea?" I asked cupping my chin.

"You could let me out. It's getting a little cramped." He almost pouted. I snickered.

"Nice try." I rolled my eyes.

"What if I begged and pleaded?" He sat up. The movement caused his shirt to raise and I caught a glimpse of his tawny skin. I licked my lips anxiously. I quickly averted my gaze.

Dammit! Why am I so attracted to him? Screw him and his stupid ripped body!

Behind me the door opened. I groaned and turned to see Victor lope into the room. He looked depressed.

What did that pig do to him?

"What happened now you baka?" I asked sitting with my legs crossed.

"Yuri is hungry and I-I don't know how to cook human food! I tried but I started a fire, and the inedible food smelled terrible and I didn't want to give that to him,  just help me Yurio!" Victor whined.

I made a sound of disgust in the back of my throat.

"What makes you think I know how to cook human food shithead?" I gave him a droll look.

"I can do it. " A deep baritone voice spoke from behind me. I turned to look at Otabek rising to his feet. His muscles rippled in the process and I felt myself harden as I glimpsed the juicy skin where his neck met his shoulder.

Whoa, now is not the time to be thinking of that! Besides I've never done anything like that in my existence. Why would my body start acting like that now?

I glanced at Otabek's muscled arms and strong legs. His broad chest rose and fell beneath the tight t-shirt he wore. His handsome face stared back at mine.

That's why. Fuck meee.

"Oh could you? That would be wonderful!" Victor cheered up immensely and clapped his hands together. I held my hand up to silence him.

"He doesn't go anywhere unless I say so." I shook my head.

"C'mon Yurio. We need them alive. Unlike us they need food to survive." Victor said pointedly.

"Unless you want to explain to Yakov why you have a were cat hiding in your room." Victor glanced at his finger nails. I narrowed my eyes and he smirked.

"Fuck you." I stuck up my middle finger and headed over to the cage.

"You run, and I will kill you this time. You try anything funny and you can kiss your human goodbye." My fangs elongated threateningly as my green eyes narrowed.

Otabek nodded as I unlocked the cage door and he stepped out. His demeanor seemed to have changed. He was on edge but he didnt seem like a trapped animal anymore.

I followed Victor and Otabek into the hall and downstairs to the kitchens. I sat on the edge of the counter where Victor leaned casually as Otabek whipped up a quick meal for his master.

The thought drew me up short. How could this handsome untamed beast call that pathetic pig master,  and serve him is beyond me.

He must have felt me staring because he glanced at me as he diced up vegetables. The tiniest upturn of his lip was visible. I blushed and looked away.

Stupid man-cat thinks he can mock me?

"It smells good." Victor smiled encouragingly.

"Thank you. Yuri is the cook back home. He's the one with all of the talent. I know how to cook from watching him." Otabek spoke casually.

Once he prepared the pigs meal Victor took the tray and headed back to his room. I watched the doors close behind him as I slipped off of the counter to stand before Otabek.

"You must be hungry too." I pointed out.

"Yes." He said blatantly.

"You should eat." I suggested.

"Yes." He nodded. I grew agitated.

"Are you waiting for a formal invation? Just eat already shithead." I snapped.

That peculiar smile quirked his mouth again. He was messing with me.

That bastard really has quite a pair!

"Just hurry up." I grunted.

"No snide remark?" He arched a dark brow.

"N-no jackass. I'm getting bored and would like to go back to my room to nap. I didn't get to sleep all day and night like someone else." I barked. He grinned this time and fixed himself something simple.

I turned away trying to hide the smile that wouldn't get off of my damn face.

Yeah he really is a stupid man-cat.


I pressed my back against my bedroom door trying to calm my erratic heartbeat. And the thirst that scorched my throat.

I felt terrible running off on Yuri like that especially after he had aplogized. I shook my head with a snort as I adjusted the throbbing bulge in my pants.

I didnt know if I wanted to eat him or fuck him.

Both sound good to me.

I shook my head and left the doorway. I wandered down the hall where I bumped into Chris.

"Oh, hey Chris." I waved.

"Victor, where have you been hiding?" Chris purred.

"Nowhere in particular." I shrugged.

"I'm having a playmate come over this evening. Perhaps you will finally accept my invitation and join us?" Chris grinned flashing his fangs.

"Thanks Chris, but you know I don't fool around with humans. For fun or donations." I declined.

"Boo, could have been fun. Anyway see you around." He pouted then turned and sashayed away.

I shook my head.

I had told Yuri our deepest secret without even thinking of the consequences. It was forbidden for vampires to feed off of humans and turn them, which is why we drank blood substitutes, but it is ever so hard to stray from natural instinct.

Our own coven prided itself on following our laws but it wasnt uncommon for humans to volunteer some blood, and they get pleasure out of it so it was a pretty even trade I think.

Tch, no wonder Yuri was so disgusted with me. This is what I was. No I had never broken the sacred law  myself, but I have turned a blind eye to it for hundreds of years. I wasn't any better.

"Yuri you are too pure for this life. I have to get you home." I murmured lowering my head. It broke my heart.

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