Chapter 16

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I sighed heavily as the sun began to rise on the horizon. I couldn't stop thinking about Victor. I missed him so much already.

I twiddled the ring on my finger and smiled ironically to myself.

We were both foolish. If this turned out well then I would still have to marry Yuuko. This could never have worked. Maybe now there could be a truce amongst vampires and humans. I only hope Pichit and the others will be okay with it.

I sighed. Things were changing. We didn't have a choice but to change along with it.

Have I? Have I changed? Glancing at my ring I smiled. I think I did.

"Master Yuri?" The honey blond youth with a red patch of hair smiled widely. He couldn't be more than nineteen. Younger than Yurio. Why would this child be a vampires familiar?

I recalled Yurio bragging that his familiar was born of the first and last ninja house in Japan.

I looked to him taking in his lean but cut build. His long fingers seemed relaxed but ready to strike at any moment. His legs were sprawled before him though I could see his muscles tense every so often ready to jump into action when needed.

"Yes? Sorry."

"We will be arriving soon. Don't stray to far from my reach okay." He smiled flashing an adorable pointed snaggle tooth that gave him a childlike charm.

Beside me Otabek snorted. Both eyes turned to look at him. He shrugged, but Minami wouldn't relent.

"You don't think I can protect him?" Minami arched a brow smiling playfully.

"I don't doubt your abilities. You were skilled enough for Yurio to pick as a familiar. For that honor I'm sure you have proved yourself. However protecting MY master is MY job. He will remain by MY side." Otabek spoke with conviction.

Minami puffed his chest ready for more but  I interrupted.

"Do either of you know if the werewolves
are in position? We will be arriving shortly." I smiled sheepishly rubbing my head awkwardly.

"I was in contact with one called Pichit. He seemed really nice. He was really worried about you. I told him you were safe and would see him soon. We are meeting him several blocks away from the Third House to debrief you." Minami explained.

Not long after we pulled up to a brick building. The duplex seemed vacant for the most part. 

I would have guessed we chose the wrong house until a familiar laugh boomed behind one of the wooden doors. Otabek pushed the door open. His face gave nothing away.

He inclined his chin admitting me entrance. I stepped through the door and smiled. Pichit wore a headset around his ears but turned as I stepped through.

JJ was munching on a bag of chips beside him. Their eyes rounded and they both dropped what they were doing and rushed me.

Pichit reached me first. He collided with my chest and wrapped his arms around me in a deathtight hug. He squeezed me so tight I could barely breathe.

"Yuuuuurrriiii!!" He bellowed through tears.  I felt my own eyes water as I wrapped my arms around him.

"You're okay!" JJ laughed squeezing us.

"I missed you guys!" I laughed as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I missed you. Were you hurt? Have you eaten? Did they treat you alright? I'm so sorry. I failed you. This was my fault." I covered Pichit's mouth with my hand. I chuckled as tears dripped onto my fingers.

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