Chapter 32

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I murmured as I woke. The bed beside me was empty and cool. Victor had been gone for a while.

Curious I climbed out of bed throwing on a gray hoodie and Victor's black sweats. Barefoot I left the room and headed down the hall.

Everything looks so much clearer now. I guess I won't be needing my glasses anymore.

My fingers brushed against the wall paper. I could feel the textures and see every pore and grain in the wood if I focused.

This was going to take some getting used to. I found myself heading to the kitchens. I opened the door to fund Yurio sitting on the counter with his legs wrapped around Otabek's bare waist.

They were to engrossed in each other to notice me. I quickly closed the door and blushed.

Well that was awkward.

I was heading back up the main staircase when the front doors opened.

A familiar mop of silver hair entered and I felt my heart race.

"Victor!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Brilliant blue eyes met my gaze and softened as he smiled.

"Hello Yuri. Did you sleep well?" He chuckled taking three strides to reach me. His arm snaked around my waist as he tugged me close for a kiss.

"Yes, but where did you go? I was worried." I pouted. Victor smoothed my furrowed brows with his fingers.

"I had some business to take care of and didn't want to bother you. Are you hungry?" He asked.

I eyed him up and down.

Yes but not for blood or food.

Feeling bold I pressed myself against him and grinned. My hand cupped him through his pants.

"Starving." I flashed fang and Victor laughed scooping me into his arms. He carried me all the way to the bedroom. He tossed me on the bed and began stripping himself before the door even had time to close.


Minami rolled in his sleep snuggling close to me. I smiled to myself kissing his shoulder. He murmured sleepily. I rolled over and checked the time.


I jumped out of bed and quickly dressed.

"Pichit? Where are you going?" Minami asked with a yawn. He rubbed his eye sleepily.

He's too cute!

"Stay in bed. I won't be long." I smiled kissing the red patch of hair on top of his head.

He smiled and snuggled up to his pillow. I hurried from the room and rushed down the stairs to find Victor waiting for me in the hallway.

"Sorry. It was hard to leave him." I smiled sheepishly.

"I understand." He chuckled. He held the door open as we left into the chilly night.


I watched Yuri sleep soundly beside me. His pale skin was covered in love bites. I licked my lips recalling the hours of play.

I didn't want it to end. Neither did he. His stamina was incredible.

I toyed with the ring on my finger. The one that had matched his.

My eyes flashed to glowing blue as I remembered the pain in Yuri's eyes when he told me Nishigori had taken his ring.

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