Chapter 8

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I wiped my mouth with the napkin Victor had left with the meal and placed the empty tray on the table. I slouched on the deep forest green sofa and sighed.

Victor had been gone a while. I felt anxiety build up in my chest.

Where could he be?

I blinked as I realized I was worried about a vampire. I had scorned him for what he was then turned around and apologized. I was hot and cold with him, and he had been nothing but nice to me.

He even promised to protect me and wouldnt let anyone harm me.

No wonder he was avoiding me. I wasn't being very helpful, and not very supportive.

I turned as I heard the door open. Victor's silver hair popped into the room. I felt my heart skip a beat as he smiled at me and completely entered the room.

"Hello Yuri." He smiled sweetly.

"Victor. Victor I wanted to sincerely apologize for my outburst. I know I said I was sorry but, I want you to know I really mean it." I jumped to my feet and suddenly braced my hands on his shoulders.

His blue-green eyes widened and glistened in surprise. A sly smile spread across his face. One long finger trailed along the length of my jaw.

The sensation sent shivers down my spine right between my legs. I blushed as I stumbled back a step hoping he wouldn't notice the total hard on I had for him.

What is wrong with me??

"I know a way you can make it up to me." Victor grinned. I swallowed hard.

"W-what did you have in m-mind?" I stammered.

His fingers grasped my chin as he tugged me closer.

"You could give me a kiss and we will call it even." He smirked seductively.

I felt my cheeks redden even more, if it were possible. My heart hammered in my chest as I stared into his bottomless eyes.

Why does that turn me on so much? I can do this. It's just a kiss right?

I raised my chin to meet his eye and felt a pull to him as my eyes closed on their own accord. I thought my heart was going to hammer its way out of my chest.

It seemed an eternity before I was close enough to feel his breath tickle my cheek.

Parting my own lips I leaned closer with his fingers now cupping my cheek. I felt the softness of his lips against mine.


I melted into his frame as I stepped closer and firmly pressed my lips against his. I felt my arms reach around his neck without my control.

I felt his tongue prod questioningly at my lips and without further thought I opened my mouth to him.

A small moan escaped me as Victor's tongue explored my mouth.

  I cluctched my arms around his neck tighter as I felt his arms wrap around my waist tugging me closer. I felt it then.

Victor was just as hard as I was. The lump in his pants throbbed against mine eager to be touched.

I gasped breaking the kiss.

Victor stared at me with hooded eyes. His eyes seemed to glow. Our breathing was ragged as we drew apart.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I cried turning my back on him covering my face with my hands in shame.

Can't he just leave so I can crawl under a rock and die?!

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