Chapter 26

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I grumbled as I felt something warm moving against me. I mumbled sleepily as I peered through half open eyes.

Suddenly something warm and moist closed around my cock and I gasped tossing my head back.

I felt a slippery tongue glide along the length of my shaft. I bit my lip as my hands dove beneath the covers to grasp soft thick hair.

"B-Beka! What are you doing?" I moaned as Otabek bobbed his head up and down. His fingers gently toyed with my soft sac.

"What's it look like silly?" He spoke with my cock still in his mouth. I giggled at his voice and enjoyed his hands and mouth on my body.

Otabek quickened his strokes and I arched my back grasping the sheets as my body readied to come.

"Beka I'm coming!" I cried as my seed escaped and spilled on his tongue. He licked up every last drop.

I was panting as his head poked out from beneath the covers smirking.

"What was that for?" I asked as he crawld beside me and cradled me agaiant his chest.

"For last night." He winked. I blushed remembering him pounding into me so hard I had bruises on my hips and ass.

But damn it was worth it.

"I told you I didn't mind idiot." I rolled my eyes and playfully smacked his arm. He shrugged and kissed the top of my head.

"I have to meet with Pichit and the others about our next move against Nishigori." Otabek rubbed the back of his fingers against my cheek.

"Fine, but I want in on the meeting. Thanks to the pig we are all stuck in this together." I narrowed my eyes. Otabek chuckled and nodded.

After we showered and headed to meet the wolves I spotted Victor leading them to a secluded room. Curious we followed him.

"Oi Victor what's going on?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh good you are here. Please sit we have a lot to discuss." Victor spoke but it didn't sound like him. In fact he looked sickly.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Sit." He pleaded.

Surprised I sat beside Otabek and Minami whom sat beside Pichit holding his hand. The other wolves, Yuuko, Mila, Chris, and Lee joined us. The last to enter was Yakov. The only person missing was Yuri.

"What's going on?" Pichit asked before anyone esle could.

"I don't know how to say this. I gathered you all here today to discuss the situation we have found ourselves in.

Katsuki had been found and rescued, however Nishigori has poisoned him and neither I nor Lee could find an antidote." Yakov paused as he looked to Victor.

Victor looked ill. Concern welled up inside me but I squelched it as Yakov continued.

"Yuri Katsuki is dying." Yakov announced. Surprised murmures and gasps filled the room.

I felt Otabek's hand clasp around mine. His face void of emotion but his eyes were screaming for help. I squeezed his fingers assuringly though I myself felt a little sick to my stomach.

"He looked so much better. " Yuuko shook her head.  The werewolf Mickey wrapped an arm around her protectively. His sister Sara placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Lee and I without anyone's permission infused his blood transfusion with a vial of Victor's blood. The vampiric blood sample is the only thing keeping him from slipping away too quickly." Yakov rubbed the back of his neck glancing at Victor.

Victor stood from his seat and held his hand against his chest as he looked to each of us.

"The only way to save Yuri is to change him into a vampire." Victor spoke softly.

There were more surprised murmurs amongst the group.

"Isn't that against the treaty?" Pichit asked.

Yakov nodded.

"It is why we wanted those closest to Yuri to vote. His father is for the change. He said no matter what he is Yuri is his son. So that is one vote.

I will go around and ask what your vote will be. I will start with Yakov." Victor looked to Yakov.

"I vote no. We don't know if he can survive the change." Yakov shook his head. Lee nodded in agreement.

The pain was plain to see on Victor's face.

I can't take this stupidity anymore.

I slammed my hands on the table and shoved my chair back as I stood to my feet. All eyes turned to me.

"This is bullshit!" I shouted. Several pairs of wide eyes stared blankly at me. Only Victor's were hollow and dead.

"Who are we to judge what that pig will do? It's none of our damn business! It's his choice! What we think shouldn't matter, it doesn't matter! We should love him for who he is no matter what, isn't that what a family is supposed to do?!" I screamed growing angrier by the second.

"He's right. It is ultimately up to Yuri. I guess what we wanted was to know if you would still love him and treat him the same as before." Victor spoke robotically.

"I would. Yuri is my best friend. I'm a werewolf and he never cared.  He always listened to me and cooked me great food. I would love him even if he were a vampire." Pichit stood up.

"I like Yuri a lot. He makes everyone around him happy. It would be a shame to lose him." Minami stood. Mila nodded as she stood.

Yuuko stood and was quickly followed by Mickey, Sara, JJ and Chris. Otabek stood beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yuri is important to all of us. He brought this family together. Master Katsuki is right. No matter what he is he is our leader. He is our Yuri." Otabek inclined his chin.

I tucked my chin hiding the smile threatening to overtake my face. All eyes turned to Yakov, Lee and Victor.

"He may not make it." Yakov scratched his furry cheek.

"It's worth a try if he's willing." Pichit responded. Lee and Yakov exchanged glances before standing as well.

I glared at Victor.  Tears streamed down his cheeks as he stood tall. His eyes met mine across the table.

"I love Yuri. I want to be with him forever and always. I will give him whatever he wants. No objections." Victor released a long breath.

If Yuri did the transformation he may not survive. If he did survive its a possibility he could grow to hate Victor for changing him into a monster.

On the other hand Yuri could say no and Victor could lose him forever

I glanced to Otabek, and our entwined fingers.

I feel terrible but I am glad I don't have to make this choice. Good luck Vitya and Yuri.

Yakov dismissed everyone. I spotted Victor heading towards the infirmary. 

"Oi Victor!" I called. He turned glancing in my direction.

"Good luck." I saluted him and followed Otabek towards the kitchens. 

I wish you both all of the luck in the world.

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