Chapter 20

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The man and I faced off. Neither of us moved and yet both of us were processing our third or fourth move before our muscles even moved. This was going to be a close match.

A slight alter of his hips showed he was going to strike on my left. I fainted to the right avoiding his blade and turned with a roundhouse kick of my own. I landed a hit on his back.

The satisfying sound of his breath rushing from his lungs caused me to smile. He landed in a heap on the ground. He laughed as he rose back to his feet. We charged each other colliding with a deafening clap.

I grasped his arm in a vicelike grip and twisted. He screamed as a crunching sound reverberated in my ears.

He swung his other arm in retaliation slicing me across my arm.

Tch. Humans never know when to quit.

"Is that the best you can do?" He chuckled raising his bloodied blade. The sweet aroma of blood drifted to my nose.

I knew that smell. It was Yuri. His blood called to me like a symphony of bells.

Anger ignited inside of me. He hurt Yuri. My Yuri.

My fangs extended as my pupils dilated to the point where the glowing blue was no longer visible. My black eyes took in everything around me.

I lunged with a snarl wrapping my clawlike hands around him almost in an embrace.

I felt blood drip from where my pointed nails dug into his skin. I leaned close to his ear.

"You hurt my Yuri. You have to die." I growled opening my mouth wide. I bit into his neck hitting the main artery.

He cried out in pain and dropped to the floor as I released him. A horrific gurgling sounded from him as he choked on his own blood. A pool of red began to form around him.

I looked into his brown eyes as the life drained from him.

"You chose the wrong side." I smirked licking his blood from my lips.

I stepped over the body and peeked over my shoulder.

Yurio was fighting along aside the were cat. Surrounded. Chris was several feet to my side taking on three soldiers himself.

"I'm going after Yuri!" I called spinning on my heel and kicking down the door to the stone building with barred windows.

I ran down a flight of stairs searching frantically for Yuri. I came across a closed door and tried opening it. It was locked. I threw myself against it several times calling out Yuri's name.

I burst through the door and covered my gasp with my hand. There was blood splattered on the floor. Bloodied chains were attached to the walls.

Yuri was nowhere to be found.

I slammed my fist into the wall cracking it.

"Where is he?!" I bellowed.

Yurio, Otabek and Chris burst into the room as I dropped to my knees.

"I'm too late." I slammed my fist into the floor as tears welled in my eyes.

Behind me Yurio and Otabek exchanged worried glances.


JJ and I ran point in our wolf form. The vampires and Minami flanked us as we ran toward our home.

I hope we're not too late.

I skidded to a complete stop and stared in shock. Our home was gone. Fires raged taking everything we once knew and loved and burned it to ash.

"Find Sara and Mickey." I barked to JJ.

"Look for survivors!" I commanded and the vampires nodded. Minami joined me in my search for Master Katsuki.

In human form I ran up the temple steps with Minami hot on my heels. I stopped covering my mouth and nose from the smoke.

"Master! Master are you in here?!" I called to no avail.

I felt a hand fall on my shoulder and turned to see Minami already heading toward the dais.

I quickly followed suit. Lying at the foot of the dais and our symbol of the sun; was my master.

He was unconcious but seemed to still be breathing.

"Get him to safety. I'm going to search for more survivors." I coughed.

"Be careful." Minami inclined his chin and hoisted Master Katsuki into his arms and hurried into the thick smoke.

I searched frantically avoiding falling beams and burning tapestries and curtains. When I couldnt breathe anymore I finally hurried from the temple gasping for air.

Minami was by my side in moments.

"They found Mickey and Sara. Yuuko is gone." He informed me.

Before I could respond the piercing sound of sirens approached. Men in firemen uniforms stormed the gates. Several ran into the burning buildings others stopped to assist and assess the injured.

I lowered my head in shame buring my face in my hands. I was a poor excuse for a werewolf and an even worse defender.

I felt an arm drape across my shoulder. I peeked between my fingers to see Minami smiling down at me.

"We will regroup, and we will beat this guy." He smiled encouragingly.

Tears well in my eyes at his genuine smile. I suddenly reached out wrapping my arms around his waist and buried my face into his muscled stomach. He cupped my head close in a comforting hug.

Thank you for your support Minami. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here.


Victor was a mess. I peered at him through the rearview mirror. He was collapsed onto Chris's lap. The dark prince had been broken.

  While Victor lay on the ground Otabek had recieved word from Pichit that Yuuko had been taken. The twin mutts had been injured badly and the First House was gone.

That's a low blow. I'm glad it wasn't our mansion.

I glanced at Otabek sitting in the passenger seat beside me. He was very quiet. His stoic expression was set in stone across his features.

Guilt washed through me as I realised he too had lost his home.

I didn't speak. What could I day? Probably something stupid or sarcastic to lighten his mood, but it didn't feel right. Instead I reached over and placed my hand over his closed fist.

I felt his eyes on me and quirked a stupid smile to show him that I had forgiven him for locking me in the cage and also that I was there for him.

We had lost the battle, but together we could win this war. I glanced back to Victor who saw the whole exchange.

His eyes had fresh tears in them, but also pride. I blushed and shook my head.

Stupid baka doesn't know what he's talking about.

As annoyed as I was at having been caught I couldn't get the stupid small smirk off of my face.

For Otabek and Victor and even the Pig. I would fight. Come tomorrow things will change.

I had a strange feeling building in my gut, but I had this gross feeling welling up inside of my chest.

Otabek closed his fingers around mine and I realised that gross feeling was hope. So long as I had them I had hope.

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