Chapter 30

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It was dark. I couldn't open my eyes. I forced my lids open but all I could see was darkness.

Am I blind now?

I tried to move my hands to touch my face but I couldn't feel my hands. I couldn't feel my arms or legs. I couldn't feel anything. I was going numb.

Then it happened. It began in my toes. A slight warming sensation. As it began to spread to the soles of my feet it became warmer.

As it trailed up my legs and fingertips it grew hotter. I cringed as the heat grew intense. It began to burn.

I wanted to scream. To rip open my skin and let the cool air to the fire burning me from the inside out.

It became unbearably hot as it reached my core. My chest burned like a white hot iron. I felt like I was going to melt from the inside out.

In that unbearable pain I heard the one comfort I longed to hear. It was Victor's voice.

His sweet angelic voice called to me. He spoke my name.

"Yuri." He said.

That's right. I am Yuri. Yuri Katsuki. I'm in love with Victor Nikiforov the vampire prince. I was- I was dying.

"Yuri. Milaya moyA. I-I'm so sorry." His tender voice cracked with a deep raw emotion.

Dont cry Victor. Not for me. Please.

I managed to break through the fire burning inside of me and contained it to my throat and chest. Here it was almost bearable.

With this new control I forced myself to open my eyes. I had to see Victor.

I blinked as bright white light blurred my vision.

I felt myself sit up. My vision became clearer as I spotted a mop of silver hair curled into a ball of despair on the floor beside my bed.

My heart ached at the very sight. I had never seen Victor look so broken. I never thought I'd see the dark prince on his knees sobbing for someone as pitiful as me.

Say something!

At the sound of my voice Victor's crystal blue eyes met mine. Unshed tears welled in his perfect eyes.

I wanted to weep at how beautiful he was
I wanted to cry knowing he was hurting. The disbelief in his Voice as he whispered my name was enough to make fresh tears streak down my cheeks.

He was by my side in seconds. His familiar amazing indescribable scent filled my nose as he enveloped me in his arms.

"Victor what's wrong?" I asked pulling back enough to look into his handsome face.

He laughed briefly shaking his head. He cupped my face in his chilled hands a moment before he kissed me softly.

In that instant our lips met I felt the fire again. This was different. It was inviting and exciting. I was eager to fan the flames and make them spread.

I hardened instantly as my tongue swept into his mouth eagerly. He accepted my kiss with a soft moan. I tugged him close so he was straddling my thighs. Victor's knee brushed against me and he stopped.

"So eager, and so soon?" He chuckled nibbling my lower lip.

I blushed in embarrassment. I didn't know what came over me.

The fire. What was that? Is that what is making me so hot and bothered?

No that's Victor for sure.

"Why am I so hot?" I asked practically panting.

Victor laughed and squeezed my hands.

"I can answer that." Yurio's voice sounded from across the room. He stood beside Otabek in the doorway. One looked embarrassed and the other a little remorseful.

Victor climbed off of me and sat beside me on the bed. He settled for holding my hand.

"Hello Yurio. Otabek." I smiled.

Otabek frowned as Yurio's shoulders slumped at my smile.

What is it? Did I do something wrong?

"Do you have any idea what we have been through with you in the last twenty-four hours?" Yurio asked a little irritated.

I shook my head slowly looking to Victor for guidance. His blue eyes were hollow and sad.

I immediately found myself wanting to comfort him. I squeezed his fingers gently to assure him everything was okay.

"I was sick. No, I was dying." I whispered as memories of pain and fire emerged in my mind.

"Yes. Only Nishigori had the antidote." Otabek nodded.

"You were getting worse. Victor left you to retrieve it. Not long after he left the poison took over. You didn't have time to wait.

I-I made the decision to change you." Yurio raised his chin and balled his hands into fists. His bright green eyes were steady and shiny with unshed tears.

"You what?" I gasped. I looked to my hands in Victor's.

They still looked the same. I still felt the same. Maybe more parched than normal, but I suppose that is expected.

"I couldn't just let you die. Too many people are counting on you. Too many people love you you stupid baka.

Victor would lose himself completely and get himself killed if anything happened to you. I couldn't let you be that selfish, so I had to be selfish." Yurio's voice quivered with emotion.

This was his way of saying he was sorry. He didn't have a choice.

"I-I understand. I'm glad you made the choice. I couldn't stand to be away from Victor even in the afterlife. I suppose I should be thanking you." I smiled looking to Victor.

A light pink tinge formed on Yurio's cheeks as Otabek placed a hand on his shoulder. He relaxed a degree and actually smiled.

"So I really am a vampire now?" I asked.

"Yes Milaya moyA. You survived the change. I knew you would." Victor grinned.

"We will go tell the others that Yuri has awaken." Yurio rolled his eyes as Otabek led the way out of the room.

Once the door closed I slumped back against my pillows.

"Is the poison gone? I am going to live right?" I asked.

Victor smirked flashing a lopsided grin before placing a chaste kiss on my cheek.

"Forever." He winked.

I smiled to myself.

Victor and I could be together forever.

I could barely contain my excitement.

"I guess I have a lot to do. There is still the matter of catching Nishigori. The Three houses are a wreck. I still have to work things out with Yuuko." I listed them off on my fingers.

Victor caught my hand in the air and brought my fingers to his lips. He kissed each finger one by one. His tongue licked up and down my thumb sending shivers down my spine.

How could he think of that in a time like this? Yet it feels so good and I want to give in.

Victor leaned close to my ear. His warm breath tickled my skin as he whispered.

"Tonight Yuri. You are mine. Let's not worry about those things right now. Tonight we will rekindle our love. " Victor whispered huskily and I sighed.

I blushed as I hardened even more beneath the sheets. Victor merely smirked arching brow.

I wanted to die of embarrassment, but the lust and attraction in his eyes was driving me mad.

I wanted him too. Tonight I was going to ravish him.

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