Chapter 5

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I stood in Yakov’s office solomnly among Yurio, Chris, Lee, and Mila. Yakov expressed the pain and suffering our clan will have at losing one of our own. I had no idea a life had been taken.

I was so focused on my mission to bring Yuri Katsuki back home that I hadn’t waited for the others. It wasn’t part of the plan to wait and travel together, but maybe I should have? What would that have changed?

I'm sorry for not being there. 

    “Georgi was one of the most dramatic, and theatrical of vampires but he was family and he will be missed. Let this be understood we will avenge his death. We will mourn but we will be taking action.” Yakov dismissed us with a wave of his hand.

Mila scurried from the room tears welling in her eyes.

    I watched her leave feeling empty. She was very close with Georgi. They were almost like siblings.

I watched the stoic expression on Yurio’s young face.  His eyes seemed fierce like a fire burned bright inside of them. I wished I felt his anger. Instead I felt hollow.

    I knew attacking the werewolves was a terrible idea. We shouldn’t have been so blind not to expect them to defend themselves and protect their people.

Dammit Yakov!

    I turned and left the room myself. I walked back to my room when I felt someone watching me. I sighed dropping my shoulders; my fingers lingered on the doorknob.

    “I know what you are going to say and the answer is no.” I spoke over my shoulder.

    “I wasn’t going to say anything.” Yurio grunted.

    “Yeah, yeah.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “Has Yakov questioned your pet?” I asked and Yurio blushed.

    “No he hasn’t woken yet. I locked him in my tiger cage in my room. I want to keep him from Yakov so I can question him myself first.” Yurio blushed glancing at the carpet.

    “I understand.” I nodded before stepping into my room and closing the door.

    I crept in the shadows as I stared at the sleeping man on my bed. The canopied drapes were drawn back tied to the wooden posts of the bedframe. I had fairy lights lining the top of the canopy that created an ethereal glow surrounding Yuri.

He looked beautiful sleeping soundly on my bed. His tie was still loose about his neck and his shirt was still unbuttoned revealing his toned chest beneath the thin fabric. His chest rose and fell as he breathed deeply in his sleep. He groaned and rolled onto his side. His dark tresses shaded his face.

He's so handsome even in sleep.

    I felt the urge to brush the hair back from his face but thought it would be best if I let him be. I had fed before Yakov’s meeting but the pulse beneath his smooth skin was too much for me to bear to be closer. He was tempting just looking at him. Yuri groaned again and concerned I stepped closer holding my breath just in case.

    I squatted near the edge of the bed level with his face and examined him from that distance.

He seemed to be okay. What could be wrong?

I gasped as my eyes looked from his supple lips to his now open eyes. Chocolate brown eyes gazed into mine and I felt a strange sensation jolt through my body.

    I stumbled back a step as he nearly jumped out of his skin and fell off of the other side of the bed.

    “Are you alright?” I asked jumping on the bed to look on the other side. Tangled up in the red sheets was Yuri’s blushing face. He squinted at me in the glow of the fairy lights and I chuckled to myself.

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