!Christmas Special!

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Hello beautiful people and Merry Christmas! Just a little spicy and sweet love for Yuri and Victor for the holidays.

This is not relevent to the story but just something fun for Victor's birthday. Hehe.

Everyone have a happy and safe holiday, whatever it may be to you. I hope you enjoy!



Christmas and my birthday were never anything special to me. I never really celebrated either of them.

Mila and Georgie liked to decorate for the holidays, Chris and Yurio were always excited for the presents, but to me it was just another day.

I would get a happy birthday and merry Christmas but that was the extent of it for me. Since my mother had died I never thought of a reason to celebrate.

That is until I met Yuri. Yuri told me how his family would decorate their temples and they would have this big party. They would celebrate with music and dancing, mountains of food and presents.

I frowned as I looked over to Yuri's sleeping face. I recalled the sadness on his sweet face when I told him I didn't really celebrate either. The disappointment in his eyes was almost too much for me.

It was at that moment that I decided this year we would go all out. We had something to celebrate. Yuri becoming part of our family.

I wanted to keep his traditions too. Especially if they made him happy.

I climbed out of bed and quickly dressed. I had a lot of shopping to do if I was going to pull this off.


I woke to a cold empty space beside me. I quickly sat up.

"Victor?" I called sleepily. I knew he wouldn't answer. I felt his absence. He always radiated a warm inviting glow. Now it seemed oddly quiet and chilly.

Sighing I put my feet on the cool wood of the floor. I glanced up to the large window and frowned. White flurries fell from the gray sky. There was a blanket of white coating everything in sight.

"Snow? Oh that's right it's Christmas." I frowned remembering Victor's refusal for a birthday party or Christmas celebration of any kind.

I wanted to go behind his back and do one anyway but I didn't want him to be angry or upset on his birthday.

I smirked to myself.

I did go behind his back and got him a few presents.

I quickly dressed as I went to look for him. I tossed on a green sweater and a pair of jeans as I rushed from the room in search of Victor.

I found Pichit and Minami in the kitchen making a mess with chocolate cake batter.

"What are you two doing?" I asked.

"Well Vi- oww." Minami began but Pichit elbowed him in the ribs silencing him.

"We wanted to bake a cake for Victor's birthday." Pichit shrugged. I stared at the two of them quizzically.

They were definetely hiding something. Knowing Pichit I stepped beside him and crossed my arms over my chest and raised my brows waiting.

Pichit began to visibly sweat.

"Okay Victor wants to do something for you today and asked us to make cake." Pichit gasped as though he had been holding his breath for too long.

"You are so weak." Minami shook his head.

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