Chapter 33

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It's been a few weeks since Victor proposed to me. We dove both feet first into the madness of planning our wedding.

It was pretty quiet around here now that Yuuko went home with Mickey. Sara went with them. JJ and Mila were gone for the weekend. Minami had gone home to visit his parents. Victor being gone made it unbearably lonely for me.

Victor was meeting with a tailor right now to design his suit. I was still sitting at a desk in a spare study going over flower arrangements across from an increasingly annoyed Yurio and surprisingly tense Pichit.

"Victor chose me as his best man and I say no. No to those frilly pink roses. It's not Victor." Yurio grumbled shaking his head.

"What is wrong with pink? You didn't like yellow, you didn't like lavender and now pink!" Pichit growled.

Yurio leaned back in his chair and propped his feet on the table.

"They are too girly." He shrugged indifferent.

"I am Yuri's best man and I say a little color isn't too girly." Pichit crossed his arms defensively.

"Boys if you can't behave then Im going to have to ask you to leave." I sighed.

"He started it!" They pointed to each other as they spoke in unison.

"No leopard prints, no frillies, definetely no tigers, and no pistachio cake." I listed them off on my fingers.

"Did I miss anything?" I arched a brow. Yurio and Pichit frowned shaking their heads.

"I'm sorry Yuri. I just want to make this sweet, romantic, and perfect for you and Victor." Pichit lowered his head like a wounded puppy.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I just want to make it something fun, exciting and something you will both remember forever." Yurio lowered his green eyes and coughed.

"I know you both mean well, but Victor and I will make the final decisions on everything together.

Yurio you can handle the bachelor party. No one can throw a more perfect or memorable party than you.

Pichit I trust you to handle everything the morning of. I need your organizing skills and I really need you to stay calm for me if I get too anxious or start to have a meltdown." I smiled as they both sat a little straighter.

"You can count on me Yuri." Pichit smiled.

"Yes. I will throw you and Victor an awesome party you won't forget." Yurio's green eyes shimmered excitedly.

"Great. I'm sure you two will get right on that. Excuse me I have to speak with Yakov." I left them alone wondering if it was wise to do so.

I spotted Otabek in the hall heading towards the study I just left and paused.

"Is it still bad?" He asked.

"Nah, but it may get heated again." I laughed as his face fell and he sighed. He entered the room closing the door behind him and I hurried to Yakov's office.

He was seated at his desk rifling through papers. His gaze lifted as I approached.

"Ahh Katsuki, or is it soon to be Nikiforov?" He chuckled at his own joke.

"We haven't decided on surnames yet." I shrugged sheepishly.

"Ahh I see. I have done what you have asked and I'm afraid there is no sign of him. He has completely gone off grid." He frowned.

"Please keep looking. I want Victor to be safe. I don't know what else I could do to protect him." I bit my lip nervously.

"Don't worry too much. Victor can take care of himself. Besides we are all on the look out for Nishigori. If he sneezes we will find him." Yakov inclined his chin.

I thanked him and left him alone then. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I headed back to Yurio and Pichit.


I drove the long distance to the borders of Russia. I found the one place I never wanted to see again. The last place I had seen Nishigori.

I stepped out of the car cautiously. I entered the abandoned building and scrunched my nose in distaste.

The stench of decaying bodies and dried blood assaulted my nose. I peered into the room to see the bodies of his soldiers drained. There was no sign of him anywhere.

"Just had a snack and left eh?" I clicked my teeth turning on my heel to leave. I was halfway to the door when I heard a shuffling behind me. 

I turned to see one of the soldiers had survived but barely. He was turned into a vampire.

I stared at him in disgust.

"He's gone. He's gone to make himself an army of vampires. This is your doing. You did this." He croaked as he dragged his limp body closer.

"He is coming for you. You and those dogs won't stop him. You've already lost." His dark starving eyes looked up to me with hatred.

Growing agitated I turned to leave when his words gave me pause. My hands balled into fists at my side.

"You can't save him. Your love is already dead. You dug his grave." The dying vampire soldier laughed. I spun around slicing the air with my hand.

The laughter ceased and the vampire fell dead at my feet. Old dried blood caked my long fingers and extended fingernails.

I tugged a handkerchief from my pocket and wiped it off as I left the facility.

Enraged I climbed back into my car resisting the urge to punch a hole through the steeringwheel.

I can't protect him. He will come for us and I can't stop him. I should have killed him when I had the chance. I am such a fool.

Tears of anger and frustration rolled down my cheeks. My protruding knuckles were white as I clenched the steeringwheel.

My phone buzzed and I glanced down to see my sweet Yuri's face. I quickly composed myself and answered cheerfully.

"Hello my Love, how are you?" I asked.

"Hello Victor." A deep voice came through the reciever. I nearly dropped my phone in surprise.

"You have a beautiful home. Your friends weren't very welcoming. I'm sorry to say but your father is no longer with us. When will you be coming home? Your fiancee has been very inhospitable. You need to teach him some manners." Nishigori chuckled.

I could hear Yuri crying in the background.

"Stay away Victor!" His sweet voice was filled with fear.

"If you touch him or anyone in my family I will do what I should have done in the first place. I will make you suffer and take everything from you!" I screamed into the phone. I tossed it aside and sped down the road.

I could hear his laughter a moment before the call went dead. I slammed on the gas and weaved through traffic.

I need to get to him. I have to save him.

The same words repeated in my mind over and over again. That soldiers words crept into my mind urging me to get home faster.

I didn't know what I was going to do when I got there. I didn't know what to expect.  I just knew I had to make it in time. I need to save my family.

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