Chapter 17

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The room was quiet now that JJ and Otabek had taken up their posts. They were working on a border patrol while Minami and I tested the ear pieces and recording equipment he had brought with him.

"This stuff is really cool." I admitted. A crooked grin formed on his face. It was really cute.

I had talked to Minami via email for the last couple of days and found that I liked talking to him. We often got off track and ended up telling each other jokes or just talking in general.

He was amazed that I was born a werewolf, and had tons of questions. I had answered them in stride until he asked why we hated vampires.

I hesitated knowing he worked for them though he was actually human. I explained that there was bad blood and a long ongoing  battle between us.

I was almost afraid to tell him because I didn't want him to not like me.

"You okay Pichit?" Minami asked. I glanced at him and smiled.

"Yeah. So do you know what this whole ring thing is about?" I asked changing the subject glancing at Yuri sleeping on the old sofa across the room.

He had fallen asleep after crying for ten minutes. He's so emotional that way. I smiled lovingly at his sleeping face.
Yuri was my best friend. Whatever happened while he was gone seems to have made him happier.

He seemed a little more confident. He changed but in a good way.

"I know the dark prince has a matching one, and they kissed pretty passionately before parting. I got the vibe that they were a couple." Minami shrugged.

Had I been drinking my sweet double espresso upside down mocha macchiato, I would have spit it out all over the table.

"What?!" I exclaimed a little too loudly. Yuri mumbled in his sleep before turning over.

"What do you mean a couple? Are they married?" I asked.

"No I don't think so, but anyone could see they were in love." Minami sighed.

Love? My Yuri was in love? The shy, intimidated, quiet, unconfident boy fast asleep on the couch was in love?

"Aww really?" I found myself growing excited for him.

"Looked like it to me." Minami nodded.

"Is that a bad thing?" Minami asked.  His eyes rounded as they stared into mine.

"No, not at all. I'm happy for him. It's just he's betrothed to Yuuko, but that's a whole other story." I waved my hand dismissively.

"Tell me about it." Minami laughed reaching out and taking my hand. My eyes widened in surprise as his cheeks flushed a bright pink.

"Well, Mickey is a werewolf and hopeless romantic. He's a good loyal friend, but well he fell in love with Yuuko, Yuri's fiancee." I began. Minami's mouth formed into a perfect O.

"Tell me!" Minami gushed.

"Not much to tell. He fell in love with her at first sight. He was the one who was there and protected her when the vampires attacked. They grew pretty close while Yuri was gone." I explained.

"Wow. What are they going to do?" Minami asked.see

"I'm not sure. They were betrothed to join the houses but if they both love other people, how can we make them marry?"  I asked running my fingers through my short dark hair.

"I'm sure you will think of something. After all it was you who thought of doing this a couple of days earlier to catch Nishigori off guard. It was you who talked the vampires into working together with the werewolves. Your pretty amazing Pichit." Minami smiled flashing his adorable pointed snaggle tooth.

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