Chapter 21

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I sat on the ground with my head in my hands. I couldn't believe Nishigori could be capable of doing something like this. As I sat there I couldn't help but feel responsible.

Mickey and Sara were tending to eachothers wounds not far from me. JJ carried bandages in his arms passing them around.

"Hey don't worry Pichit we will get them back." JJ smiled as he appraoched.

"Yes, and we will beat them." Sara nodded standing to her feet. She patted her brothers bandaged arm before stepping to JJ.

"Can we trust them?" Sara asked glancing toward Minami and the two vampires that joined him.

"We don't have a choice." I spoke firmly.

"They aren't so bad. Plus Otabek got along with them so we could too." JJ smiled and Sara blushed.

The woman vampire, I believe Minami called Mila watched Sara with a deep sadness.

The vampire Sara killed must have been her mate or brother or something. She whispered something to the pale dark haired vampire Minami called Lee and stepped away. She headed toward the front gate.

I sighed standing to my feet and followed her.

"Where you going?" Mickey asked standing beside his sister.

"For some air." I shrugged.

I found Mila standing alone leaning against the wall surrounding the grounds. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her head was tossed back pressed against the wall. Her eyes were closed.

"Is there something you wanted?" She asked with her eyes still shut.

"No, J just wanted to see if you were okay. I know this can't be easy for you. I-I am sorry about what happened to your friend." I said honestly.

I was sorry. Just because of bad blood someone lost a life and now because of the same thing we lost many.

Her eyes opened as she cocked her head to the side to examine me.

"You are Pichit. The werewolf Minami told me all about." She smirked flashing a bit of fang. Her accent rolled off of her tongue beautifully.

"I am." I blushed.

Minami talked about me?

"You are Victor's pet's best friend yes?" She asked.

"YURI, is not Victor's pet, and yes I am his best friend." I spoke tightly.

"I am sorry. I find it hard to be around werewolves. I promise on Georgi's grave that I will behave." She held up her hand.

"That's some promise coming from you hag." A familiar voice spoke. I turned to see Victor, Yurio, Otabek and Chris approach us.

"Are you alright Vitya?" Mila asked in genuine concern. I could see why.

Victor's face was paler than usual and sunken in. His eyes were rimmed in red as though he had been crying.

There was no life in his frozen blue eyes. His clothes were smeared with blood and he had a wound bleeding down his arm.

"He will be when we get the pig back." Yurio frowned glancing over his shoulder toward Victor.

"Nishigori moved Yuri before we could get to him.  He must have taken Yuuko to his new hiding place. We need to regroup and plan our next attack." Otabek chimed in.

"Let's get to it. Right now we are salvaging what we can." I nodded leading the group into what used to be my home.

Otabek's eyes widened as he took eveything in.

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