Chapter 6

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I walked with Yuri back to my room. He paused in the hall and grasped his midsection as it made a horrendous sound. His cheeks flushed as he looked at me sheepishly.

"Sorry, I guess I'm a little hungry." He bit the corner of his bottom lip. My eyes fixated on his supple lips.

Dammit. I want to taste them so badly.

I felt my fangs begin to elongate and ran my tongue along the length of them. They shrank back as I calmed myself.

"I will take you to the kitchens and see if I can find something for you to nibble on." I winked. He blushed more as he followed me down the staircase towards the double doors of the kitchen.

Yuri gasped behind me as he stepped into the sparkling white kitchen. All of the appliances were made of stainless steel. We had everything a chef could want. All of the best cutlery and cookwear money could buy.

"Wow! Your kitchen is amazing." Yuri cupped his cheeks. I grinned as his boyish charm bloomed like a flower.

"I'm glad you like it." I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched him jump from station to station touching anything he could get his hands on.

"If-if you don't mind me asking; why do you have a kitchen? A fully stocked kitchen by the way?" He stopped in his admiring and turned to look at me with a shy expression. He twiddled his fingers nervously.

"To keep up appearances." I shrugged shoving my hands into the pockets of my black pants.

"Oh, to whom?" Yuri asked becoming interested.

"Well for our familiars and um-well guests." I cleared my throat.

"You have guests?" He raised his brows surprised.

"Well yes. Ehem, there are human guests that come to um visit sometimes." I felt my throat tighten as Yuri pursed his perfect lips trying to decipher my code.

Just tell him.

"Some humans come to the mansion and pay for our services." I cast my gaze to the floor.

"Services?" Yuri stepped closer and I drew back.

"Well some like to sleep with us, and others like to donate- donate blood." I felt heat creep into my cheeks.

I peeked at him and gasped. His face was flushed with anger. His hands balled into fists.

"What kind of sick person would do such a thing?" He shouted spinning on his heel and running through the door.

"Yuri wait!" I called.

Dammit! I knew he was going to think I was a monster.

Why do I care what he thinks anyway?

Who am I kidding? I care very much what he thinks of me.

I rushed upstairs to my room and paused with my hand on the door knob. I could hear small sobs sounding from the other side.

My hand fell from the door. I walked away and headed back down the hall. I felt shame for the first time in a long time.

I couldn't change what I was but dammit I wanted to.


I buried my face in the white pillows on Victor's bed.

How could anyone want to sell themselves to a vampire? Not just their blood but their bodies?

Why would they accept this? I know vampires need blood but-

The very thought of Victor doing anything with another person caused me to stop. I sat up slowly and pictured him tangled in the sheets with some faceless person as they made love and his sharp teeth penetrating the tender skin of his lover as droplets of blood dripped down their skin.

I clasped my reddened cheeks. I had no right to feel this way. Victor was not mine. I couldn't be angry with him for doing what he had to to survive.

Just then the door swung open. I gasped snapping my head around to face the door. Victor stepped in carrying a silver platter.

He bore a tray of blackened salmon with rice and steamed vegetables. Beside it was a bottle and saucer of sake and a glass of water.

He didn't speak as he placed the tray down on the small table before the sofa. He turned to look at me with sadness in his clear blue eyes.

"Victor." I murmured as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"I know what I must look like to you. A monster. I can't change what I am Yuri, but- please. I couldn't bear it if you looked at me like that again." Victor clutched the sheets in his fist as he turned away ashamed.


I felt shame, sorrow and something else entirely rise inside of me. I found myself crawling to the edge of the bed and knelt beside Victor.

Swallowing hard I reached out hesitantly and found his hand. His eyes met mine as our skin touched. I stared into blue-green eyes that I could dive into and never emerge from.

"It's not true. I don't think you are a monster. You've been nothing but kind to me. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I'm sorry." I apologized.

Victor dropped his gaze to our clasped hands. The lump in his throat bobbed as he swallowed hard. He released my hand and stepped away.

"Thank you Yuri. You are just too tempting." Victor hurried from the room. I stared at the door for a long while.

"What did I do?" I asked aloud. After a while my stomach grumbled irritably. I rose from the bed and sat on the sofa and ate the meal he had prepared for me.

Victor. You are anything but a monster.

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