Chapter 28

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I watched Victor leave in annoyance. He had no idea what his stupid idea would do.

I could see in his face he didn't plan to come back alive but he would die trying to get the antidote for the pig.

"There's a pout I haven't seen for about five minutes." Otabek chuckled wrapping his arms around my slender waist.

He nibbled my neck as I stared out of the window.

"Beka would you do what Victor is doing?" I asked turning in his embrace and wrapped my arms around his neck.

His dark eyes seemed distant before he met my gaze steadily.

"For you? In a heartbeat." He nodded. I felt heat creep into my cheeks.

"You don't have to be so honest." I mumbled.
Otabek chuckled and dipped his head to capture my lips.

"Yes I do." He whispered before drawing away from me.

"Me too." I mumbled glancing back toward the window.

Good luck Victor. Come home to us.


I sped down the snowy roads of Russia. I knew where I could find Nishigori. I would take the antidote and save Yuri.

The winding road curved ahead and I slowed as I approached the abandoned bunker. This had been a bunker back in World War II.

Now it is Nishigori's lab. It is where I will defeat him once and for all.

Not bothering to sneak in I stood before the gate and waited. I shoved my hands into my coat pockets as I waited.

The gates opened and I smirked stepping inside. I followed the empty dimly lit hall to a set of iron doors.

I pushed them open only to have several guns aimed at my face. I chuckled flashing fang.

"Is that any way to greet a guest?" I smirked.

"When one is immortal, yes." Nishigori spoke appearing behind the wall of guards.

I rolled my eyes.

"Please. I am here for the antidote. I will not risk Yuri's life to take yours. You can wait." I grinned.

Nishigori's eyes rounded a moment before he composed himself.

"I have the antidote here. How do I know you wont take it and never come back? How can I trust you?" He asked cupping his chin.

"That is not my problem. My problem is saving Yuri's life, now I am here. Give me the antidote." I tapped my foot growing impatient.

"I could just wait you out. He doesn't have much longer to live." Nishigori shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes at that.

"Then do not waste my time. What is it that you have really wanted?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Haven't you guessed? Oh you knew from the beginning haven't you?" Nishigori chuckled.

I nodded once.

"You knew our coven would never change a human to vampire. You knew we were enemies with the wolves and Yuri's house contained them.

You knew we would join forces against you. You knew you could use this to your advantage when you saw how much I love Yuri.

You used him as bait for me. You knew my coven wouldn't change you, but I would if Yuri's life was at stake. Now here we are." I explained and Nishigori clapped his hands in mock applause.

"Right on the money. I will be immortal and rule all of the houses. I will command those dogs and become the most powerful vampire you have ever seen. Now how badly do you want that antidote?" Nishigori raised a brow.


I groaned as the pain increased in my lower abdomen. Sweat beaded my brow as I felt across the bed frantically for the call button.

I had waken to horrific pain. The bitter taste of copper flooded my mouth as I coughed up blood. The smell made me want to vomit.

I didn't dare call out for help in case vomit did suddenly spurt from my mouth.

The monitor beside me was beeping madly as my vitals went haywire.

It's the poison. It's happening. Where is Victor? I want to say goodbye and that I love him. I-I can't go through the change. I don't think I could handle it. I'm not like Victor. I'm weak.

I gagged as bile rose in my throat mingled with blood.

I clutched the sheets as pain wracked my body into convuslions.

I was only slightly aware of the door swinging open to reveal several shadows apprach worridly.

"Yuri! Oh my-Yurio, Otabek! Come quick!" A voice sounded in the distance.

"It's happening! What do we do?" Pichit's familiar voice called as my vision blurred.

"Minami find Yakov and Lee. Otabek hold his arms down. Pichit hold his head still." Yurio's commanding voice sounded through the darkness.

"Dammit Yuri you stay with us!" I felt cool hands against my bare chest before pressure began to be applied.

He called me Yuri. This must be serious. I wish Victor was here. Where did he go? I hope he is safe.

Someone tell Victor I love him. Tell him I'm sorry.

My world grew darker as more hands began poking and prodding. I saw a bright light before everything went black.


I slumped in my seat holding my head in my hands. I blew a raspberry as I felt warm hands rub my back soothingly.

Without looking I grasped Otabek by his shirt and buried my face in his chest. I blinked back tears as his strong arms closed around me.

"You did good Kitten. What more could you do?" He murmured against the top of my head.

"I-I don't know! I could kill Victor for leaving! Stupid Baka should have been here." I shouted against his chest.

"He did what we all would have done. We all would have tried to get the antidote." Otabek rubbed my back. I could hear the tightness of his voice. He was holding back emotion too.

Minami sat beside a worn out Pichit and rubbed soothing circles across his shoulders. Pichit's nose was pink from crying. He had been an emotional wreck.

I was surprised he was still concious at this point. Minami cried silently beside him only sniffling every now and then.

Sara, Yuuko, Mickey and JJ huddled together solomnly. Mila leaned against the wall beside JJ with her arms folded before her and her head lowered.

I looked to my family and hated that Victor's face was not among them.

Dammit Victor you should have been here!!

I tore myself from Otabek's embrace and stomped away.

"Where are you going?" I heard Otabek call.

"I want to be alone." I snapped feeling a little guilty. I headed upstairs toward my room and slammed the door.

I pressed my forhead against the door and slid down to my knees.

"If Victor doesn't kill Nishigori then I will."

He is done messing with my family.

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