Chapter 12

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I stood in Yurio's shower for a long while replaying the last hour in my mind.

How did I let it get so far? He makes me so weak.

I braced one arm against the wall of the shower and leaned my forehead against it.
Water cascaded down my back as I closed my eyes.

I couldn't  get the sarcastic Russian vampire out of my head. I hadn't been able to get him out of my head since we were young. He was my first love.

That thought drew me up short. He was my only love. I knew even at a young age with no hope that he would be the only one to truly love and understand me.

I know my master cared about me, but he was in love with the lanky vampire and we were friends and professional nothing more, but with Yurio things were different.

He pushed my buttons and broke my walls. He made me crack even when I didnt want to. He understood me without me having to say anything to him.

I sighed heavily. It was going to be hard leaving him when this was over. Would I be able to walk away so easily and go back to the life I knew?

I dried and changed with a new motivation. I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could. I wanted to remember him this way and not the way we had left things so long ago.

When I returned Yuri and Victor were seated on the sofa.  Yurio stood before them looking pissed off.

Three pairs of eyes turned to stare at me as I approached. By the blush in Yuri's cheeks I knew that they had heard us.

I spotted omletes on the table.

"I thought you might be hungry." Yuri smiled.

"Thank you." I replied tearing into one.

Yurio watched me sheepishly. I could tell he felt guilty for not considering I needed to eat to survive. I gave a slight shake to my head indicating him to not worry so much.

He snickered and turned his attention to the couple on the couch.

"When is your informant going to grace us with his presence?" Victor asked.

"He should be here any minute." Yurio stuck his tongue out.

"How do you have an informant but Victor doesn't?" Yuri asked.

Yurio tucked his head into his shoulders. 
"Because Victor doesn't play with humans." Yurio sighed glancing in my direction.

At first a wave of jealousy ripped through me with surprising force. I nearly choked on my omelette. I forced myself to swallow  and cleared my throat.

Yurio knew I knew of Victor's history. It was why I had asked him if Yuri was safe with him. Victor's record was more blood stained than the morgue.

He had been taken captive by some rogue werewolves after being informed on by a human woman familiar. They tortured him much as I had been tortured by his kind. He couldn't remember much of his life before that. Its why he thought he was so pure compaired to the rest of his coven. They didnt want him to be the uncontrollable monster he had been so they went along with it.

Yurio had explained all of this to me last night while we talked. The sadness in his voice made me want to hold him close and never let go.

"Let's meet in the study downstairs. He should be arriving any moment." Yurio spoke tightly and headed for the door.

Victor excused himself and followed him. I was left alone watching the open door with Yuri.

"You like him." Yuri spoke just above a whisper.

I nodded and a smile spread across his face.

"I'm glad. I've waited a long time to see you open up. I want you to be happy Otabek. You deserve it. You don't owe me anything. You can do as you please." Yuri encouraged.

I felt emotion rise in my chest.  He was practically telling me to throw away my duty to his family so I could be happy. How can someone be so unselfish?

I said as much and he chuckled.

"I know. I'm the heir to a dynasty but I don't see myself as some god. I'm just me. I like to cook, my best friend happens to be a werewolf and I lead a crazy busy life but im still just a human guy at the end of the day. I want what's best for my friends. I want them to be as happy as I feel when I have them around." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile in return.

"When this is all over I will ask again. You decide what is best for you and what you want to do okay. I won't be hurt or angry." He spoke with honesty in his eyes.

"Are you two coming or not?" Yurio asked poking his head back into the room.

We both chuckled and followed closely behind down the winding staircase to a study.

There was a large desk centered in the room along with two neautral colored sofas and an armchair. The fire roared in the fireplace. The large ornate carpet had intricate designs woven into the fabric.

Leaning against the desk was another human boy. He couldn't be much older than Yuri.

He had olive skin and honey blond hair with a patch of red in the front. His snaggle tooth poked out from the side of his mouth giving him an adorable look.

He wore black pants a long gray sweater that went past his hips to look skirt-like beneath a black hoodie he had zippered all the way.

His eyes lit up excitedly as we entered the room.

"This is your informant?" I scoffed. The boys face fell a moment before Yurio laughed.

"You underestimate Minami. He is the son of  the leader of a certain ancient ninja family. We met while I was traveling and let's just say he's more equipped than he looks." Yurio spoke proudly.

"You belong to the Iga Ninja group?" Yuri asked.

"That's the one." Minami grinned.

"It's an honor to meet the heir to the First House of  Three of Japan." He bowed to Yuri who stood beside me embarrassed.

Victor looked to me like he would kill me if Yuri used me for protection instead of him.

I wanted to flip him off and tell him it was kind of my job,  but thought better of it.

"What news do you bring?" Victor asked breaking eye contact with me to speak to

"Nishigori is willing to speak with you and make a deal. He may go for your plan to take Yuri. It's going to take some time to dig up physical proof for you to prove to Yakov that Nishigori set him up." Minami cupped his chin.

"We will do whatever it takes." Yuri declared. Victor's eyes fell and I suddenly knew how he felt as I looked to Yurio standing beside Minami.

This wouldn't end well for a lot of us.

I too will do whatever it takes to make Yurio happy while I still can.

Yuri's offer flitted across my mind. Would I be able to betray the only light I've known since the dark times in my life for one person.

I looked between Yuri and Yurio. I wasn't sure at the moment, but when the time came I had a tough decision to make.

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