Chapter 13

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I sat at my desk with my head in my hands. We had recieved word from Russia that both Yuri and Otabek were safe and well.

I had felt a burden rise off my shoulders.  I wanted to weep for joy and hop on the first plane to fetch them, but my relief was short lived.

A message had arrived stating that they had a plan to prove Nishigori was behind this whole thing. At first I had been surprised,  but then again I wouldn't put it past the spoiled heir to try anything to run the Three Houses himself.

The message had told us to prepare for their arrival because we would soon be going to war.

A knock sounded in the door breaking my thoughts.

"May I come in?" Yuuko poked her head inside.

"Of course. Is there something I can help you with?" I asked.

"Sara said you had recieved a letter about Yuri. Is he alright?" Yuuko asked brushing her brown hair back from her face shyly.

I spotted Mickey standing outside of the open door waiting. He had been hanging around Yuuko since the night Yuri had been taken.

She was frightened and wanted to do anything she could to help. She suggested returning home but we thought it would be easier to protect her here.

Mickey was following her around like a lovesick puppy. I felt bad for him knowing when Yuri came home she would have to marry him and bare the next heir. It would be hard for Mickey to face that everyday.

"Pichit! Another message just came in!" JJ burst into the room.  Mickey stepped in curious as to what was happening.

I took the letter from JJ and felt my eyes widen.

"What?!" I shouted.

"What is it?" Yuuko asked.

"What's wrong?" JJ jumped back.

"What happened?" Mickey placed a protective hand on Yuuko's shoulder.

"They are using Yuri as bait. They are just going to hand him over like it's nothing. They have an informant that thinks he can get him to confess once he has Yuri." I spoke growing angrier by the second.

"They could kill him before even getting a confession." Mickey shook his head.

"Who's dumb idea was that?" JJ asked.

"Who do you think?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose.


"What do we do?" Mickey asked.

"I have a message to return to them. In the meantime I want a squad ready to depart and watching the Third House round the clock. If Nishigori sneezes I want to hear about it. The rest of us will stay here and prepare for the vampires return. Be on your guard." I commanded.

JJ nodded and mock saluted as he left the room. Mickey nodded walking Yuuko from the room to pass the news on.

"Dammit Yuri why do you have to be such a martyr?" I groaned.


I walked down the hall beside Yuri quietly. We hadn't spoken since the meeting with Yurio's familiar.

Something Yurio had said was really bothering him and me.

Victor doesn't play with humans.

I knew what he had meant, but the way it had been percieved was off putting to Yuri being human and all.

How do I tell himt that I do play with humans just one without sounding clingy?

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