Seven ~ Secret

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I've never had a more vivid dream about Dottie like the one I had last night. Every detail felt real, so real that I woke up with a sticky mess in my pyjama bottoms.

The dream put a fire under my bum to find Dottie, but I have no earthly idea how to go about it. I could ring the Operator and ask her to find Dottie, but Mrs. Hughes doesn't have a telephone and I don't want to ask for money to use at a payphone.

There's no need to write Dottie a letter because it was sent back unopened the last time, plus I'd need help to write it and I don't want to ask anyone for help.

I just want to see my darling again.

"Are you finished with your porridge and milk, love?" Mrs. Hughes asks and I look up from my spoon.

"Yes, ma'am," I take my last bite, thanking her with a nod and I hand her my empty bowl. "It was very good."

"What did I tell you about talking with your mouth full, Alex?"

"Oh, m'sorry, Mrs. Hughes."

"Nice going," Tommy teases, causing Georgina to snicker and I kick his foot under the table. "Ow!"

"What's going on, boys?"

"M'sorry, Mrs. Hughes," I sheepishly say and Georgina giggles.

"If you children don't stop acting up-"

"Oh please don't kick me out, Mrs. Hughes. I apologize for causing a ruckus. I'll do better, just please don't kick me out."

"I'm not going to kick you out, love. You need to stop thinking that," she says and I nod in understanding. "It's almost nine. Is everyone ready?" she asks and we all agree. "I figure we'll stop at the men's clothing shop first, then the supermarket and then get some lunch at Sally's."

"Really, Mum?" Tommy excitedly asks and quickly stands from the table. "Let's go then!"

They must not eat out that often or that place must have really good food.

"Calm down, Tom Tom," Georgina giggles. "Is that the shirt you're going to wear?"

"Why? Should I change? I'm going to change," he announces and runs out of the kitchen. "Don't leave without me!"

As Tommy's voice trails off, I watch Mrs. Hughes and Georgina smile at each other and I feel completely out of the loop. I don't even remember what he was wearing and I think he looked presentable.

"Sally's has really good cheeseburgers and milkshakes," Georgina says and I oblige her with a smile.

"Okay, how's this?" Tommy asks and we all look over.

He's wearing a blue striped buttoned down shirt, brown slacks and I think he even gelled his hair.

"You look very handsome, love," Mrs. Hughes says and Georgina's quick to agree.

There must be a lassie who he's sweet on at that place.

"Thank you, now let's get going!"


I don't even know how many hours we've been shopping, but it's been enough to where my stomach's growling. We're all exhausted from shopping for my clothes and groceries and I've made a mental list of all I can do to pay Mrs. Hughes back.

Added to the list with the kitchen light is the sluggish start to Mrs. Hughes' Studebaker. I'm grateful for all my granddad taught me because I have a feeling this is what's going to save me.

"Who's hungry?" Mrs. Hughes asks as she parks in front of the restaurant and we all cheer.

"I don't know if I can eat with these butterflies in my stomach."

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