Thirty-Five ~ Advice

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Somehow I've managed to put aside the unpleasant events of the morning to focus on my tasks at work, but it hasn't been easy.

While I've worked on two watches and one clock, I've tried to come up with a plan so I could leave work early to check on Georgina at her school, but I quickly reminded myself of the goals that I have to make within a year and I won't be able to meet them if I get fired from my job.

That would just be adding salt to the wound.

"Hey, Alex."

I turn around, setting the needle nose pliers on my desk and I take off my protective glasses.

"Hey, Collin."

"Are you using your pick set?"

"No, not right now. Why? Do you need to borrow it?"

"Yeah, my replacement set hasn't come in yet. Should be in tomorrow with our regular shipment, though. Would you mind?"

"Not at all," I shrug a shoulder and hand him the small leather case.

"Thanks, mate. How's it coming on that old coo-coo clock?"

"I had to take a break from it. It's definitely the most challenging one I've worked on. I think I'll give it another try after lunch."

"Sounds good. Alright, thanks again, and I'll see you at lunch."

"Hey, Collin, uhm, would you mind if we talked during our lunch break, y'know in private?"

"Wouldn't mind at all, mate. What's going on?"

"A lot and I just need someone to talk to."

"Yeah, sure," he pats my shoulder and I thank him before he walks over to his work station.

Exhaling a breath, I turn back around and grab the pocket watch from the felt placemat. As the second hand ticks in one place, I feel as though that's how my life is going right now.

It's like I'm trying to make something of myself, I'm finally happy and looking forward to the future and something is keeping me from that happiness.

Could it be me?

Sighing in frustration, I put on my protective glasses and get to work. As I focus on my task at hand, the time goes by rather quickly and Mr. Hughes announces that it's our lunch break.

I set the pocket watch aside and take off my protective glasses, sighing out a breath. As I make my way into the break room, I catch Tommy's glance and nod my head at him. We haven't talked since we dropped Georgina off at school and I know he feels terrible for what he did.

He barely acknowledges me as he grabs his lunch sack from the ice box before taking a seat at the small fold-out table. His lack of eye contact lets me know he's remorseful and if I hadn't made plans to talk with Collin, I would try to figure out how to fix the mess he made with him.

That might do more harm than good, though.

"You ready, Alex?"

"Yeah, sure thing, Collin. Just getting my lunch."

As I make my way out of the break room, I keep my focus straight ahead and leave Tommy and Ronald by themselves.

"We can eat out back," Collin suggests. "It's more private."

"Yeah, that's fine," I reply and we make our way out through the back door.

Once we're settled on the metal fold-out chairs, we take out our lunches and I grin. As I take my first bite of my meatloaf sandwich, I open the small note paper with frilly flowers printed on it and my smile fades in realization.

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