Twenty-One ~ Heartbroken

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A/N: Hello, my wonderful readers, voters and commenters!

Funny fact: I realized I made a mistake earlier in this story by using US dollars instead of Pounds (they're in England) and I'm continuing on with it 😂 oh well 🤷‍♀️

🚨Trigger Warning🚨
This chapter contains sensitive matter involving death at birth.

"Gather 'round, lads, it's quittin' time and the last Friday of the month, also known as payday."

My ears perk up at Mr. Hughes' announcement and I stand up from my workstation. Since it's Friday, I turn out my desk lamp for the weekend and hang up my apron and safety glasses. I let out a tired yawn as I push the stool under the desk and a taunting chuckle at the work desk next to me earns my attention.

"Try working five days a week for thirty-one years in a row, then you'll have the right to yawn, rookie."

The look on Ronald's face lets me know he's proud of his rude comment and less-than-clever nickname for me and I exhale to calm my nerves.

Be nice, Alex.

"Yeah, I reckon I should get some massive rest this weekend so I'm not tired next week."

His cocky expression turns into his normal scowl and he walks out of the workshop without saying anything. Mentally patting my back, I make my way to the front of the shop, more than ready to go home and have a couple days off.

"Have a good weekend, Ron and nice work on the antique pocket watch," Mr. Hughes says, earning a head nod from Ronald.

"Thanks. See you Monday."

Once he's out of the store, I walk over to Mr. Hughes and wait patiently for my turn. He looks at the envelopes in his hands, huffing out a heavy breath and I quietly clear my throat to gain his attention.

"Ah, Mr. Rutherford, I suppose you'd like your paycheck now, hey?"

"Yes, sir, not that I'm only here for the money, but I-"

"Calm down, son," he smiles amusedly, handing me an envelope with my name on it. "Here you are, and happy one month anniversary. I must say that it has been a pleasure having you as an employee."

"Wow, thank you, Mr. Hughes. It's really an honor to work for you and I'm enjoying it very much."

"Good to hear," he smiles and hands me the envelope. "Keep up the good work and have a nice weekend."

I nod eagerly and make my way to the front of the store to wait for Tommy while he collects his paycheck. Curiosity gets the best of me and I open the envelope flap to peek inside.

I've never been more grateful that Mrs. Hughes taught me how to read because I'm in shock at how much I've earned.

Forty-eight dollars? I'm rich! If I keep saving these paychecks, I'll be able to afford a place of my own and-. Oh wait. Dorothy. I have to get back home to her.

"Ready, Al?" Tommy asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, more than ready," I reply and we make our way out of the clock shop.

It's as if every business closes at the same time and everyone from automobile mechanics to supermarket bag boys are headed home for the day. The sidewalks are filled with people who are anxious to get home to their families, while I'm anxious to see Georgina.

Even though I'm keeping my heart for my darling Dorothy back home, it's been a struggle not to fall for Georgina. From her daily notes she leaves in my lunch sack to her sweet smiles to the delicious food she cooks, it's no wonder that I'm a bloke in trouble.

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