Twenty-Four ~ Plans

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Lightly tapping my fingers against the cup in time with the constant ticking of the grandfather clock, I exhale a steady breath to calm my heart. It's nearing three in the morning and I've been awake for over an hour thanks to my nightmare.

It's like my brain played the dirtiest of tricks on me after reading the Meikles' response to my letter because in my nightmare, I was there to watch both my sweetheart and son die.

There was nothing I could do, I couldn't save them because Dorothy's family was there holding me back. I couldn't move; it was like my body was numb and I didn't have any strength. I had to watch my sweetheart reach out for me and call my name and I couldn't do a goddamn thing about it.

If I had been with her, I would've done everything in my power to save her.

"Who's down there?"

I quickly turn around on the couch, gasping when I feel the warm tea spill onto my housecoat.

"Ah fuck," I groan, setting the now empty cup on the coffee table.

"Alex, is that you? What are you doing down here?"

Thankfully the flickering glow from the fireplace I lit earlier allows me to see Georgina standing at the base of the stairs in her pink housecoat. Her long curly hair is down and a little disheveled from her sleep and I clear my throat.

"Scalding my body, for one," I scoff, peeling my housecoat and pyjama top from my torso. "Why are you awake at this hour?"

"I um, had to use the um . . ."

"Oh, okay," I nod in understanding so she doesn't have to finish her sentence and further embarrass herself.

"Why are you awake?" she asks and I gesture my hand for her to sit on the couch with me.

"I had a bad dream. Couldn't shake it off so I thought a cuppa would calm me down. Turns out I was wrong."

"Oh dear. I'm sorry you had a bad dream," she says with a sad smile. "Would you like to tell me about it?"

"I don't want to upset you. It was rather . . . intense," I answer honestly and she nods. "But I'm feeling much better now that you're here."

A smile teases her lips and she breathes out a quiet laugh.

"Doesn't that last sentence fall under the 'funny business' category?" she asks and I hum in thought.

"No, it honestly doesn't cos I do feel better now that you're here."

A pretty pink blush covers her cheeks and she tucks her curly hair behind her ear. I can't tell if it's the golden glow from the fireplace that's making her blonde hair shine or highlighting her freckles or making her blue eyes sparkle more than usual, or if it's just her natural beauty.

It's most definitely her natural beauty.

"I hope Tommy wakes up soon."

"Why's that, love?"

"So you can have that talk with him about, yknow, us."

"Oh, right right. I'll have to find the perfect time. Gotta catch him in a good mood, y'know," I smirk and Georgina nods with a smile, fiddling with the ends of her hair and she looks away. "Maybe I should buy him an ice cream float or a banana split to ease the sting of what I'm going to ask him."

"Your brill idea will definitely work cos Tom Tom's never been one to turn down ice cream. He has the biggest sweet tooth."

"Alright, it's settled then. Say, is there another place other than Sally's Diner? I don't want to take him there after what happened with Jimmy."

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