Twenty-Three ~ Okay

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"Why do you have to talk to my brother?" Georgina asks once I help her down from the treehouse.

"I promised him I wouldn't try any funny business with you," I roll my eyes with a smile at his absurd rule.

Not so absurd anymore, now is it, Alex?

"Oh I'm going to give that lad a piece of my mind! How can he think it's okay to meddle in my personal life?"

Even though she's serious, I can't hold back my smirk because she looks adorable with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her beautiful face.

"He was just being a proper big brother, and it's starting to get dark, so we should head home," I offer and we start making our way back to the main road.

"Still makes my blood boil, though."

"I can understand that, but try to see the situation through his eyes. He's the man of the house and needs to protect his mum and you. He's just doing his job, love. I respect that. I'm glad, in fact."

"Glad? Why?"

"Well, for example, with the time I didn't spend trying to impress you, which I'm sure falls under the 'funny business' category, it allowed me to get to know you as a person, a-and a friend and not to rush into a courtship."

It takes me a couple steps to realize Georgina is no longer walking beside me and I stop to turn around.

"Is something wrong?"

"You, uhm, you want to court me?" Georgina asks almost as if she's in shock and I take the few steps toward her.

"Yes, Georgina May Hughes," I playfully say with a smirk and she blushes. "Over these past few months, I've learned so much about you and I want to know more. You're a lovely woman inside and out and I'd be honored, after I talk to Tommy, if you'd go steady with me."

The look on her face is somewhat unbelieving and I wish that I hadn't thought about asking Tommy's permission before I could plant a smooch on her tempting lips.

"Oh Alex, that would make me the happiest woman in the world."

Her words warm my heart and I can't control my smile. With the last bit of sunlight now disappearing, I hold out my arm and she links hers through mine. We continue on our way back home in silence, but it's not uncomfortable. It's like Georgina and I being together is second nature now and I honestly couldn't be happier.

But what about Tommy? I hope he doesn't mind. Oh. And Mrs. Hughes. Shit. After what I did to her kitchen, she'll never allow me to court her daughter. Or stay in their house anymore. Well shit. Tommy's the least of my worries.

"Um, maybe we should . . ." Georgina pauses, slipping her arm from mine. "We're only a few houses away. I wouldn't want Tommy to see before you talk with him."

"How thoughtful of you, and smart, I might add."

A pretty pink blush appears on her cheeks and I can't tell if it's from my compliment or my flirtatious wink.

Quick, incessant honks capture our attention and Georgina and I turn around to look down the street. The sound of the Studebaker's engine revving lets me know that Mrs. Hughes is going above the speed limit and I exhale a nervous breath.

"Your mum doesn't become physical when she's angry, does she?"

"What? Good heavens no. No need to worry about that," Georgina's reassuring voice eases my mind. "You do, however, need to plan on her putting you on restriction for at least a week."

"Restriction? What's that?"

"It's-" Georgina's cut off by another long honk.

Mrs. Hughes abruptly pulls the automobile over to the sidewalk and gets out to rush up to me. My instincts from my childhood and time in the military put me in defensive mode and I feel my body tense up.

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