Forty-Seven ~ Apple

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***Georgina's POV

Life has a way of throwing in surprises along its journey. I thought I had everything planned; graduate high school, earn my certificate from University and become a renowned chef in some posh restaurant somewhere in the world.

It's funny how certain surprises have the ability to change what seemed to be a solid plan.

Alex, my sweetheart, sure was a surprise that life gave to me. I thought I was happy enough on my own; I was an independent woman who thought love only existed in fairytales. Alex has shown me what true love really is, filled with happiness and forgiveness.

Our courtship over this past year has been the best experience of my life, even the challenging situations. There were a couple of times he said some insensitive things, but he was quick to apologize and make it right.

And I had my fair share of selfish moments that I'm not proud of that I've had to ask for his forgiveness.

One thing is for sure, is that I love Alex Rutherford with all of my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life making him happy.

He's the most caring person, so thoughtful and kind, and when he told me he made special reservations at a restaurant after my graduation this morning, I nearly lost it I was so giddy with excitement.

He's the sweetest beau in the whole wide world.

Smiling at the thought, I take my tube of red lipstick and apply a fresh coat on my lips. There's a knock at the door and my heart skips a beat.

"Come in," I answer, turning on my vanity's seat and the door opens.

"Hello, love," Mum greets me. "Alex would like to have a word with you in the kitchen before you two leave for supper."

"Oh, okay," I answer, twisting the cap back on my lipstick and I set it back in its place. "Do you know what it's about?"

"Oh, you know him, it could be a host of things," she grins and I give her a curious look.

"Alright. How does my hair look? I tried something different."

"It looks beautiful, Georgina."

"And my dress? Is it too formal for supper?"

"No, love, I'd say it's perfect for tonight. Go on now, Alex is waiting for you."

I'm somewhat confused and as I make my way down the staircase, I hear music coming from the radio at a rather loud volume. Tommy isn't in the living room listening to it and I remember Mum's rule about leaving the electronics on when we're not in the same room, so I walk over to the corner and turn it off.

That lad is always asking to be on Restriction.

A swear word in a Scottish accent from the kitchen makes me gasp and I hope Mum or Tommy didn't hear him. Smoothing out my dress, I walk over to the entryway of the kitchen and I'm even more confused since the light isn't on.

There's plenty of sunlight streaming through the windows since it's still well-within the afternoon hours, but I'm proper confused.

"Alex?" I peer into the kitchen and my sweetheart steps into view.

My breath is caught in my throat at the sight of him wearing his nice gray suit with a crisp white buttoned down shirt and a pair of brown boots. His hair looks like he used more gel than usual, or necessary, but he still looks so dreamy standing there with one arm behind his back.

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