Twelve ~ Apologize

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Inhaling a big breath, I roll onto my back and let out my breath through a yawn. The warmth from the morning sunlight peering through the blue curtains spreads across my face and I snuggle into the comfortable bed.

"Mm, I don't want to get up," I groan, bringing my hands from underneath the covers to rub my eyes and I hiss in pain. "Shit, I forgot."

I gently feel around the swollen area of my left eye with my fingertips, imagining how much bigger it would be if Mrs. Hughes hadn't put that steak on it right after Tommy punched me. Even though it's painful, I've endured much worse from my father, not to mention the bullets and bombs I dodged not too long ago.

Why can't people choose to love instead of hate? The world would be a much happier place.

A soft knock at the door makes me turn my head on my pillow and a part of me wishes that I would've followed through with leaving in the middle of the night. The only reason that kept me from sneaking out was that I have nowhere to go and I don't want to sleep on a pile of newspapers again.

"Alex? Are you awake, mate?"

Sighing in irritation, I pull back the covers and sit up on the edge of the bed. I slip my house shoes on my feet and grab my robe at the foot of the bed before standing up. I put it on as I walk over to the door, rolling my eyes at his several knocks.

"Alright, alright, don't get your knickers in a twist," I mumble to myself and open the door, making awkward and silent eye contact with a remorseful-looking Tommy.


I return his solemn greeting with a nod, folding my arms across my chest.

"Mum and Georgie are making breakfast, omelets I think, and after we eat, I can take you to the mailroom, if you still want to mail the letter."

I nod in answer, completely aware that he's staring at my eye and he sighs heavily.

"I'm really sorry about last night, Alex, and I understand if you never forgive me or talk to me again, but I just want to let you know I'll never do that again. I'm sorry, mate."

Exhaling a breath, I lower my arms to my sides and nod in answer.

"You forgive me then?" he asks with a pitifully hopeful look on his face.

"Well, since you thought you were defending your mum's honor, I'll forgive you."

A relieved smile spreads across his face and I can tell he's waiting; his fidgety hands and hopeful eyes are quite telling. I roll my eyes into a smile and bring him in for a hug. With a couple pats to each other's backs, I can actually feel the tension disappear.

"Alright, so, I've already showered, so the loo is all yours, oh! I thought of something pretty nifty," he waves for me to follow him down the hallway and he proudly points at the doorknob. "I put one of my socks on the handle to let others know that someone's in there, y'know, until the lock gets fixed."

"That was a good idea, Tommy, and I'll fix it right after breakfast," I smirk and he looks at me curiously. "I'm so hungry I don't think I'll be able to concentrate."

"Oh okay," he laughs with me and pats my shoulder. "C'mon, let's go eat."

As we make our way downstairs, the delicious aroma makes me salivate and I pick up the pace. With Tommy trying to hold me back so he can get to the kitchen first, I can't control my laughter and I squint in pain because of my eye.

This hurts like a motherf-

"You boys sound like a stampede of wild horses," Georgina teases.

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