Fifty-Six ~ Storm

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***Alex's POV

It doesn't seem real. One minute I'm in France fighting off the enemy, basically fighting for my life, and the next minute I'm holding my beautiful sleeping wife in my arms. I haven't always been given the best opportunities in life, but this one, this one I'm going to take and treasure for the rest of my life.

I can't believe how lucky I am. I'm married to a wonderful woman, I have a good job and now we have our own house. It doesn't seem real.

With Georgina's head resting in the crook of my shoulder and her naked body leaning on practically half of mine as we lay in our bed, cuddled and warm under the covers, I grin and press a kiss to her soft hair. She doesn't budge and her relaxed, even breaths let me know she's sleeping peacefully.

I don't know for how long we've been asleep during our nap, but the hunger pains I feel in my stomach tell me it's close to lunchtime. In my attempt to earn the Husband of the Year award, I decide I'm going to get up and make us some lunch.

I slowly scoot closer to the edge of the bed and she stirs from her sleep.


"It's okay, love, I'm here," I coo, soothing her arm to calm her. "M'sorry for waking you. I didn't mean to."

"I know you didn't mean to," she groggily says, moving to lay beside me and I turn on my side to face her.

I watch with a fond smile as she inhales a big breath for a yawn and I take this time to admire my wife. Her skin looks soft and delicate with the bedsheet tucked under her arm covering her bare breasts and I discreetly clear my throat.

Exhaling a soft sigh, Georgina opens her eyes and smiles at me, "What time is it?"

"I haven't checked, but my bottomless pit says it's getting close to noon," I joke and she giggles. "Are you hungry?"

"Mhm, yes, practically starving. What would you like for me to cook?"

"Well, I had a brill plan but I sabotaged it because I accidentally woke you. I wanted to surprise you with lunch in bed."

"Oh, Alex, you're the sweetest," she leans over and pecks my lips. "You don't have to do that, though."

"Are you kidding? You made breakfast in bed for me so I want to make lunch in bed for my wife."

"Aw, say it again," she urges.

I know what she means, but let's have some fun.

I move my hand from underneath the covers and I cup her cheek, giving her my bedroom eyes, "Lunch in bed."

"No, not that part, silly," she giggles, tapping my chest and I capture her hand in mine to hold it there. "I meant the part where you called me your wife."

"Oh that's what you meant," I wink at her. "Alright; my wife."

"Hmm, much better."

"Mhm, now, why don't we get dressed then you can keep me company while I whip us up some lunch, yeah?" I suggest and she nods with a smile.

It's several minutes later that both of us are dressed and making our way into our kitchen while holding hands. The steady rain hitting the windows and pummeling on the roof and the rumble of thunder earn our interest and we walk over to the back door to peek outside.

"I didn't realize it was storming. Oh my, look at all the puddles," Georgina points out and I huff a breath.

"I guess I'll have to wait until the weekend to mow so it can dry out. Oh well, it's kind of nice though, being at home with you while it's storming," I glance over at Georgina and she smiles nervously. "We're equipped with enough candles and matches in case the power goes out. I'll keep you safe, my darling."

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