Forty-Six ~ Match

610 62 35

***Alex's POV

"Mum! Georgie! We're home," Tommy calls out as soon as we walk inside the house. The aroma of whatever Mrs. Hughes is cooking for supper makes my mouth water and my stomach growl. "Geez, Al, have you got a lion in there or something?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. I named him Carl and he gets lonely all by itself in the bottomless pit," I joke, earning an unimpressed eye roll. My attention is stolen by the beautiful woman standing from the couch and a smile spreads on my face as she rushes over to me and practically flings herself into my arms. "Hm, I'd say someone missed me today."

Georgina giggles, leaning back to look at me, "I always miss you when we're not together, silly."

Be still my beating heart.

"I always miss you, too, darling," I admit and she kisses my cheek. A gagging sound makes me look over at Tommy and I huff a frustrated breath. "Must you do that every time my darling and I show affection to each other?"

"Seeing as how I am your darling's big brother, yes, I must."

I shake my head, rolling my eyes and I turn my attention back to Georgina. "How were your classes today, love?"

"Pretty good," she muses, fitting her hands in mine to where they swing gently by our sides. "How was work?"

"Really good, actually. In fact, I need to speak with your mum."

"Oh okay. She's in the kitchen. I'll come with you."

Look at her smile. I need to break it to her gently.

"I appreciate your offer, love, I really do, but this is regarding my goals that are separate from our courtship workbook. Would you mind if I kept it just between your mum and I for now?"

The smile on her face fades into a little frown and she exhales, "Yes, of course, Alex."

"Thank you, darling, and I promise when the time is right, I'll tell you." She nods and I bring her hands up to my lips to kiss each one, earning a grin. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go talk to your mum. Will you be alright with this troublemaker over here?"

"I am not a troublemaker," Tommy speaks up from the wingback chair by the radio. "Trouble just so happens to find me."

I roll my eyes into a smile and wink at my woman before heading into the kitchen. Mrs. Hughes is busy stirring something in a bowl with a long wooden spoon and I clear my throat to earn her attention.

"I thought I heard you boys come in."

"Yeah, Tommy and I just got home. We had to stop at the bank after we got off of work since it was payday," I explain and she nods in understanding.

"Oh that's right," she says, setting the bowl on the counter and she wipes her hands on her apron.

"I know you're busy, but might I have a word with you for just a minute?"

"Yes, of course, love. What's on your mind?" she asks, gesturing for me to sit down at the table and I choose the seat across from her.

"I wanted you to be the first to know-, well, Mr. Hughes was technically the first to know, then I was the second, but you're the first person I'm telling the good news to."

"I'm flattered, love. What's the good news?"

I motion for her to lean in closer, "I received a raise today."

"Oh Alex, that's wonderful," she praises me and I can't hold back my grin.

"Wait, there's more . . ." I pause, reaching into my pocket. "I wanted to show you this."

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