Fifty-Nine ~ Scavenger

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***Alex's POV

As much as I'd rather stay home with my new bride, I know I have to go to work because I have more than just myself to take care of now. Becoming a husband is both nerve wracking and the most fulfilling responsibility I've ever had.

I couldn't have dreamed up a better way to spend our honeymoon than how Georgina and I did. The time alone with her and I here in our home without any distractions was exactly what we needed.

And right now as I'm finishing getting dressed for the day, I'm feeling a little melancholy because I don't want to leave her.

I wonder if I could call in sick. No, Alex. That would be dishonest. You have to go to work to earn the money. You're the breadwinner for your family. Shit, five o'clock seems so far away, though.

"Alex, breakfast is ready," Georgina's voice sounds through the closed door to our loo.

"I'll be right out, darling," I answer, taking one last look at my reflection in the mirror.

My attire for the day consists of my nice trousers, a plain buttoned down shirt and a suit jacket. For some reason that I can't explain, I feel like I should start wearing suit jackets since I'm a married man now.

After running my comb through my hair one last time, I head out of the loo and make my way out of our bedroom. The delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee and ham cooking makes my stomach rumble with hunger and I pick up my pace.

As I round the corner into the kitchen, I'm greeted by my wife placing a plate of food in my spot at the table and I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing her dolled up in her pretty dresses and apron.

She's the woman of the house and is doing a damn fine job already.

"Mm, that looks good, love. My mouth is watering."

"Then have a seat and I'll pour your coffee," she says and I gently grab her arm, earning her attention. "Is something wrong, sweetheart?"

"Yes. You haven't kissed me good morning yet."

"Oh my, I'm sorry," she lifts up on her tiptoes and pecks my lips. "Good morning. Better?"


"Good. Now have a seat before your breakfast gets cold. I can't send my husband off to work with cold biscuits, eggs and ham."

"Yes, that would be a travesty," I joke, making her giggle.

Once I'm sat at the head of the table, I tuck the cloth napkin in my collar so I don't make a mess and I grab my knife and fork. While I begin cutting up the ham slices, Georgina pours some coffee into my mug and I watch as she walks the coffee maker back over to the counter.

"Have you eaten?"

"No, I waited for you this time," she answers still with her back turned to me and I realize she's dishing out her plate. She turns around and walks over to take her seat across from me, fitting her eyes to mine. "You waited for me?"

"Of course I did, darling. You cooked so it's the least I can do. Shall we dig in now?"

"Yes, let's," she happily says, taking her fork from the napkin. "So, are you still going to pick Tom Tom up on your way to the clock shop?"

"Mhm, that's the plan from here on out. I figure since he's on the way, it won't be extra petro," I explain and she nods while chewing her bite. "I'll tell him you say hello. So, what do you have planned for today while I'm gone?"

"I thought I'd get started on my herb and vegetable gardens that way we'll have fresh tomatoes and squash and carrots oh my goodness, I'm so excited."

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