Thirty-Four ~ Crushed

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I close my eyes and place my palms on the cool tile wall, tipping my head under the shower head's hot stream. As the water rushes down my scalp, rinsing the last of the shampoo from my hair and running down my body, I blow out a calming breath through my mouth and mentally prepare for the day.

Not only am I excited to start proving myself to Mr. Hughes to earn a pay raise, but I'm also nervous for Tommy. While I'm still upset that he looked in my workbook, I'm worried for him when he tells Georgina.

Never cross a woman in love.

The sudden temperature change makes me shiver and I hurry to turn the faucet off. I pull back the curtain, simultaneously swiping my hand over my face and I reach for the towel on the hook.

After drying off, I hang the towel back up and put on my clean pair of undergarments. I give the fogged mirror a few swipes of my hand, clearing it up a bit and I flex my bicep muscles. The way the light hits my tattooed skin makes me want to get another tattoo, but I quickly remind myself of the financial goal Mrs. Hughes gave me.

Plus, I'd rather spend that money on something for Georgina instead of me.

And with that thought, I decide to get dressed for the day.

Since I'm trying to impress both Georgina and Mr. Hughes, I've chosen a pair of gray trousers and a simple black button-down shirt tucked inside. I finish off the ensemble with a pair of black loafers and a leather belt and I give my reflection in the mirror a satisfied nod.

Looking sharp, mate.

A knock at the door startles me and I cant stop myself from smiling at the sound of my name in her voice.

"Breakfast is ready."

I take one last second to comb my wet hair and tuck the comb in my back pocket before opening the door. My smile widens when I see Georgina in her pale blue dress with white flowers printed all over it and her strawberry blonde curls hang loose, framing her makeup-less face, with the exception of her red-painted lips.

I guess she likes wearing lipstick then. And since I gave her my little speech last night, I know it's not for me, but I like it, too.


"Hello, Georgina," I happily greet her. "I trust you slept well."

"I did, thank you. And you? I hope you slept well."

"Actually, I did. I really did," I grin, remembering how I overcame temptation and respected her in my thoughts. She grins, taking her bottom lip between her teeth and I clear my throat. "You said something about breakfast?"

"Yes, I did. It's eggs Benedict and at the risk of sounding proud, I made the hollandaise sauce."

"Mm, it sounds delicious. And I think there's a difference in being proud and being prideful. One can be proud of the work they've done, or a school grade they've earned, but I wouldn't call that being prideful. It's when someone is an ars-, uhm, I mean when they're arrogant about it, that's when it becomes prideful, yeah?"

"Oh Alex, you're very intelligent. Your explanation makes complete sense to me."

"Wonderful. Now, let's go eat cos my mouth is watering ever since you said the word breakfast."

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