Twenty-Eight ~ Permission

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Several seconds have passed with Mrs. Hughes and I not saying a word. It seems as though she's still surprised by my confession of being in love with Georgina. Hell, even I'm surprised.

This is awkward. What should I do?

"Let's have a seat, shall we?" Mrs. Hughes says, apparently not in shock anymore. Nodding in answer, I move to pull the chair out from the kitchen table for her and she thanks me. Once I'm sat across from her, I clear my throat and fold my hands on the table. "I've been anticipating this moment since you and Thomas first came home."

"What? You have?"

Now it's my turn to be surprised.

"Yes, love. That was my hesitation of having you stay here, that and I didn't know you from Adam."

"Who's Adam?"

"It's an expression, love, meaning we were complete strangers," she explains and I nod in understanding. "Thomas assured me that you were trustworthy and that you saved his life when you boys were on Dunkirk beach. I couldn't very well turn away someone who saved my baby, now could I?"

Mrs. Hughes smiles softly and I shift slightly in my chair, clearing my throat.

"I'm not calling Tommy a liar, but he's the one who saved me, Mrs. Hughes," I exhale a shaky breath to gather strength. "My ship was torpedoed. It started to sink. My mates and I had no choice but to jump. I-I couldn't take a headcount to make sure everyone made it off-. I was disoriented. I was terrified. I felt the pressure of the ship closing in on me. I just kept paddling to get out of the way a-and then I felt a hand out of nowhere grab hold of mine, and it pulled me out of the water in the nick of time. I can still hear the sound of the ship colliding with the dock, and the screams from my brothers. I had no clue who it was that saved me, but I knew I owed him my life. After that, we stuck close to each other, watched out for each other, not just as a brother-in-arms would do, but also like a blood brother. I honestly don't know where Tommy got the idea that I saved his life, cos it's the other way around, Mrs. Hughes. Your son is the hero. Not me."

I inhale a deep breath, willing myself not to have a breakdown in front of Mrs. Hughes. While I relive that terrifying moment in the water, her silent stare lets me know she's processing the information I just gave her, so I decide to wait for her to speak first.

But for how long? I'm pretty hungry. Didn't she say something about steak and kidney pie for supper?

"There will be rules that I expect to be followed."

"Of course," I readily agree and furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "For what exactly?"

She smiles softly, "For yours and Georgina's courtship."

"S-so I have your permission?" I ask in complete surprise and she nods. "Wow, uhm thank you, Mrs. Hughes. You don't know how much this means to me."

"Alright, let's calm ourselves now," she grins. "Give me the rest of the night to make the rules and the four of us will talk tomorrow morning."

"Four, as in you, me, Georgina and-"

"Thomas," she finishes my guess. "It's only fair, don't you agree?"

"Y-yeah, uhm, I mean, yes, ma'am, of course."

"Alright, I'm going to start supper now. Would you mind telling Georgina to come help me, please?"

"Sure, of course," I nod and hurry to get up from my seat.

"Push in your chair, love."

"Oh right," I smile sheepishly and push in my chair. "M'sorry. I'll go get Georgina right away."

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