Fifty ~ Forever

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***Alex's POV

Words can't express what I'm feeling at this moment. In a matter of minutes, my darling is going to walk down the aisle toward me so we can declare our love to each other and finally become husband and wife.

As I'm stood at the altar in my best suit, with the minister on my right and Tommy on my left, I watch Georgina's family and my mates from work take their seats in the first two pews.

Collin, his wife and children and Ronald are busy entertaining Collin's youngest child who looks about two years old and would prefer to be anywhere but here. Virgil Jr. and his wife and children are sat in the first row with Mr. Hughes and his wife and their warm smiles make me feel welcomed into the family.

With everyone here to support me and Georgina, there's no doubt in my mind that today will be the happiest of my life.

"Psst," Tommy nudges my side. "Any second now."

Grinning at his reminder, I look over at him and the sound of the organ startles me. As the doors at the end of the aisle open, everyone stands from the pews and I clear my throat. I can't control my smile when I see her dressed in white and when Mrs. Hughes starts walking Georgina down the aisle, my vision becomes blurry.

That's my bride.

I blink away my tears so I don't miss a second of this special moment, and as they stop at the end of the aisle, Tommy urges me to meet them. In my nervousness, I've forgotten the instructions that the minister told me when Tommy and I first arrived.

Blowing out a breath, I make eye contact with Georgina and she smiles at me with her red-painted lips. She looks spectacular in her gown, which thanks to Tommy's blabber mouth, I know is the same one Mrs. Hughes wore on her wedding day, and she's holding a small bouquet of flowers that pale miserably in comparison to her beauty.

Her long curly hair is pinned up all pretty with a thin sparkly headband and as I take in the sight of her, I notice a small smudge in the corner of her mouth.

Knowing that she'd be utterly embarrassed, I lift my hand up to her cheek and nonchalantly wipe the crimson smudge away with my thumb. With the smudge erased, I lower my hand and she mouths that she loves me.

I can't believe I get to marry her.

Mrs. Hughes discretely clears her throat, earning my attention and I thank her with a kiss on her cheek. She places Georgina's hand in mine, symbolizing her giving her daughter to me and I'm so overwhelmed by this moment that I don't even realize that Mrs. Hughes has already walked away.

As the organist lets the last chord of The Wedding March resonate within the building's vaulted ceiling, I hear Georgina exhale a tiny breath.

"Hi, Alex," she quietly says only so I can hear.

"Hello, Georgina," I reply with a wink, earning a blushed smile. "Care to get married?"

"I'd love to," she grins, giving my hand a little squeeze.

I walk us the rest of the way to the front of the altar and once we're stood in front of the minister, Georgina hands Susan her bouquet to hold.

"You may be seated," the minister says and the creaking of the pews let me know everyone is seated. "Today we are here to witness the joining of Alex Rutherford and Georgina Hughes in holy matrimony. If anyone here has any objections for any reasons, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Georgina and I look over at Tommy and I tilt my eyebrows up, almost challenging him to say a peep. His facial expression lets me know he's genuinely scared and I clear my throat, turning my attention back to the minister.

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