Forty-Three ~ Sweat

772 67 38

***Georgina's POV

Within the quietness of the house, I open my bleary eyes and let out a yawn. The darkness lets me know it's still in the middle of the night and I close my eyes again, snuggling in the warmth of my bed and I hear faint shouting.

I sit up, immediately recognizing the voice and I hurriedly get out of bed. Neglecting to put on my robe or even turn on the light, I open my bedroom door and head down the hallway in just my nightgown.

Once I'm stood in front of the closed bedroom door, I turn the doorknob and open the door. I squint my eyes in the darkness and see Alex laying in his bed with the covers bunched at the foot of his bed, which allows me to see him in only his blue pyjama bottoms.

The moonlight peering through the curtains casts a soft light on his bare torso and I lick my lips at the beautiful sight. He starts kicking his legs and mumbling something I can't make out and I come to the conclusion he's having a nightmare.

"No! No! No! Georgina!"

My heart leaps in my chest at the sound of my name in his Scottish accent and I rush over to the side of his bed. With Alex twisting and turning in his sleep, I sit on the edge and place my hands on his bare shoulders.

"Wake up, Alex," I gently shake him until he opens his eyes. "You're okay. You don't have to be afraid now. I'm here with you."

"Oh Georgina, my darling," he exhales in relief, sitting up in bed to face me. As he tiredly stares at me, taking me in with his gorgeous green eyes, I wipe the sweat on his forehead with the handkerchief that I made for him. "The fireworks. They scared me."

"I know, sweetheart, but you're safe now. I'm here and I won't let anything happen to you, I promise. I'll always keep you safe, Alex."

The corners of his mouth tilt upward in a smile and he reaches up to tuck my hair behind my ear; a gesture that always makes my heart flutter. He cups my cheek and I lean into his sweet touch, batting my eyes a few times.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and you're the smartest person I've ever known."

"Oh stop. You're flattering me. But I agree with you. And you're the most handsome and humorous man I've ever known. And I want to kiss you again."

Confusion and intrigue flash in his eyes and even though his mouth is parted slightly, he doesn't say anything. Taking that as a cue, I lean in closer and press my lips to his. It's better than I remember, especially since the last time I kissed him was only to spite my brother.

This time, it's special because we're alone and now that we've professed our love for each other, it's more than just a kiss.

I inhale sharply at the feel of his soft, plump lips massaging mine and I place my hand on his cheek. As I caress his cheek with my thumb, his stubble tickles my skin and makes me smile into our kiss. Taking advantage of the situation, I let my tongue trace the seam of his lips until he parts his mouth to grant my tongue access.

I lean forward, pressing my body into his until we're laying down side by side in his bed with his pillow supporting our heads. The warmth of his body against mine, even through the materials of our pyjamas, is comforting and it's then I feel a tingling between my legs.

While my fingertips explore his firm pectoral and shoulder muscles, sometimes tracing his tattoos, I press my thighs together and moan at the incredible sensation. The feeling is all too consuming for me to notice that I don't feel Alex's hands on my body, but I don't even care.

With the intensity building in my body, I grab ahold of his strong bicep muscles and rapidly pulse my legs together until I feel a release of extraordinary pleasure flood my body unlike anything I've felt before. My mouth falls open to his, allowing me to pant out my breaths and I loosen my grip on his arm.

It feels like I'm flying and I wonder if Alex is experiencing the same thing.

"Oh Georgina, my darling, you are the woman of my dreams. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"


I open my eyes to the ceiling of my bedroom, panting out rapid breaths and I realize it was just a dream. A couple more knocks at my closed door makes me sit up in bed and it's then I feel a pool of wetness between my legs.

"Georgina, are you alright in there?"

It's Alex. Oh dear, I hope he didn't hear everything.

"Uhm, I'll be right there," I call out, frantically putting on my robe and I notice the red stain on my sheets. I huff out a breath as I walk over to the door and I open it just to where I can see his face. "Good morning."

Alex furrows his eyebrows at my rather normal greeting, "I was getting dressed and heard you screaming. I wanted to make sure you were alright. You were yelling and I thought-"

"I'm fine," I cut him off with a small smile, keeping eye contact with him. "Thank you for checking on me. That was very kind of you. Uhm, what time is it?"

"Oh, it's a quarter past seven. Tommy and I will be leaving for work in a few minutes. I knew you needed your rest, but I also thought you'd be upset if I left without saying goodbye. And then I heard you yelling and was worried about you."

"You're too kind. I'm better now. Thank you for checking on me."

"Of course, my darling," his soft smile turns into a timid expression. "I know it's not proper to hug while you're not decent, so I'll settle for a kiss on the cheek."

Oh my goodness. My dream. I kissed him on the lips in my dream! And we were in the same bed! Oh my, this isn't good.

"Georgina, love, are you okay? Should I stay home from work?"

"Huh? Oh heavens no. That's not necessary. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble on my account. Here," I open the door just a tad and I peck his cheek. "Have a lovely day at work, Alex. Will I see you when you get home?"

"C'mon, Al, we're gonna be late!"

Alex rolls his eyes at Tommy's warning and smiles, fitting his eyes back to mine.

"I guess I should go now. I don't want to be put on Mop Duty, y'know," he jokes, making me smile. "Have a lovely time with Susan today."

"Thank you."

Waving one last time, Alex heads downstairs and I shut the door, leaning my weight against it. I exhale a breath and cover my heart with my hand, feeling it pound against my chest.

I practically seduced him in my dream! Oh this is bad. I have to tell Susan.

A piercing cramp in my lower stomach makes me wince in pain and I decide to get dressed for the day.***

A/N: It's the weekend woohoo!! Press the ⭐️ if you're happy 😂

So that dream got me like 🤤 oh and a funny fact, with all the Harry smut I've read and written, I still haven't had a steamy dream about him!! Like wtf??? I want a refund! 😂

Much Love.

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