Fifty-Five ~ Vixen

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A/N: Just a friendly reminder that this book is set in the mid 1940's. Times were different back then for how women thought, so please be kind to Georgina 🤗

***Georgina's POV

"Are you sure, darling?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life, well, except for marrying you, of course."

A smirk gradually tugs at the corner of his lips and he leans down to peck my lips. He takes my hand in his and looks deep into my eyes, almost as if he's silently asking once again if I'm sure about my offer. I nod gently with a small smile and he kisses me again, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I squeak out my surprise as he lays back in our bed, taking me with him. I realize I'm on top of him now and I pull away from our kiss, feeling unsure about my idea now.

What did I get myself into? I don't know what I'm doing. I'll probably make a fool of myself. Oh this isn't good at all.

"Georgina, my darling," he whispers, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Just show me how you feel about me."

"Oh I truly love you, Alex. You're my best friend and my soulmate. You're the kindest, smartest, most handsome man I've ever known. You're the pick of the litter and I'm lucky to be your wife. That's how I feel about you."

He grins, "I truly love you, Georgina, so there's no need to be nervous. However you want to show me affection, I promise it won't be wrong. You can even act out the dream you had, if that will help."

With his words giving me encouragement, I peck his lips and kiss my way to his neck. As I nibble and lick the sensitive skin there, he hums favorably, lazily caressing my naked back. I take it as a sign that he likes what I'm doing and I kiss my way down to his chest, mirroring his actions he did to me just a few minutes ago.

I give his firm pectoral muscle a squeeze and smooth my hand down his abdomen while peppering kisses and scooting downward on our bed. Once I reach the waistband of his knickers, I fit my eyes to his and I realize he's been watching me the whole time.

"I like how you're showing me so far," he smirks, combing his hand through my hair.

I smile in relief and exhale my last bit of nerves, reminding myself that what I'm about to do is okay since I'm a married woman now. I sit up on my knees and slowly pull his knickers down, gulping at the sight of how big he is.

Thanks to our previous activity, it's already firm, resting upwards on the dark patch of hair lining his pelvis and his two perfectly shaped testicles are tight at the base.

How was I even able to walk this morning?

The bed shakes as he kicks his knickers off the rest of his legs and I blow out a calming breath, smoothing my hands on his thick, manly thighs. While he situates his head on his pillow so he can watch, I brush the palm of my hand on the underside of his penis, causing his legs to jerk.

"Is that okay?"

"Yes," he breathes out, nodding quickly.

I return my attention to my hand's action of gently stroking his penis with my fingertips. The dusky pink skin is lined with fine blue-purple veins running its length and is soft to the touch despite the hardness. As I wrap my fingers around it, I notice his arousal is already leaking from the opening of his foreskin.

Okay, Georgina. Just follow your instincts. Show your husband that you love him.

Remembering how good his mouth felt on my private part, I duck down and position his penis to where I can take it fully in my mouth. The taste is the first thing I notice and the further down I go, my gag reflex kicks in.

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