Thirty-Eight ~ Early

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The evening has gone by at the perfect pace, allowing me to spend time with Georgina and play a game of Dominoes with her and Mrs. Hughes. With Tommy being on Restriction, he had to clear the table and wash the dishes by himself, after I got somewhat reprimanded by Mrs. Hughes for offering to help.

It's a great reminder not to do stupid shite and be put on Restriction.

"Let's see here," Georgina trails off, scooting to the edge of the sofa.

As I'm sat on the floor in front of the coffee table, I watch with a fond smile as she taps the eraser end of the pencil on the pad of paper as if she's concentrating. The fact that she's still wearing my jacket even though we're inside the house makes it feel like we're a real couple and I couldn't be happier.

"Alex, you ended up with a hundred and fifty points that last round, and Mum, you had two-hundred and sixty."

"What did you end up with?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Only a hundred and two," she says in a defeated voice, setting the paper and pencil on the coffee table.

"Hey, I've got an idea."

"What's that, Alex?"

"How about next time we play this game, we don't keep track of any points and just play for fun?"

"Yeah, I like that idea," Georgina smiles softly and I wink at her.

"Sure, after all, it's a game and games are meant to be fun," Mrs. Hughes adds and takes a sip of her tea.

"Can we try it right now?" Georgina suggests and I cover a yawn that I can't hold back.

"It's getting late, love. You have school and Alex has work in the morning."

"Oh! That reminds me," I blurt out, earning their interest. "Tommy and I have to be at work an hour early tomorrow for a shipment of some sorts. I need to pack my lunch tonight so I can just grab it in the morning and I guess I'll just eat an apple for breakfast on the way."

"There's no need for that. Thomas already informed me about your early schedule, so I'll get up and make yours and Thomas' lunches and make sure you boys have a hearty breakfast to sustain you for the longer workday."

"Oh I couldn't ask you to do that."

"You didn't ask, love. I offered," Mrs. Hughes smiles slyly and stands from the sofa. "I'd say it's time for bed. Georgina, I'd like for you to make sure your book bag is ready for tomorrow."

"Yes, Mum," she answers, fitting her eyes to mine. "I had a lovely evening with you, Alex. Oh! I should give you your jacket back."

"It's alright. You can keep it until I need it again, and I had a lovely time with you tonight, as well. I always do."

"I'm glad," she sighs, taking a timid step closer. "Can I have a goodnight hug?"

"Of course," I readily reply, opening my arms for her and she embraces me in a hug. I'm reminded that we're not alone, so I keep the hug short but sweet, resisting the urge to kiss her cheek. "Goodnight to you, Georgina."

"Sweet dreams, Alex."

Standing in my spot, I watch Mrs. Hughes and Georgina make their way upstairs and I exhale a tired breath. Out of the blue, I'm reminded of something that Georgina mentioned earlier and I walk over to the desk in the kitchen.

I have a seat there and take a sheet from Mrs. Hughes' flowery stationary, reminding myself to buy her a new set once I get paid. With a pencil in hand, I place the lead on the first line of the paper and begin writing.

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