Twenty-Five ~ Breakfast

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Even though I've been up since three in the morning, I've never felt more rested. Having that time with Georgina in the living room while everyone else was asleep upstairs did me some good.

She's even more fascinating to me and I feel as though now I have a purpose in my life. And it's to love, protect and care for Georgina for the rest of my life.

If I make the talk with Tommy out alive.

"Alex? What are you doing?"

I peer over my shoulder and greet Mrs. Hughes with a smug smile.

"I'm making breakfast for everyone," I reply, turning my attention back to the hot pan on the stove and continue to stir the scrambled eggs.

"You didn't have to-, oh dear, you really didn't have to."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Hughes, I'll clean up the mess after we eat," I assure her and turn off the burner. "I hope you don't mind that I used up all the ham in the ice box. Oh, and the bread should be done now."

Leaving the eggs alone for a second, I take the pot holder and open the door to the oven. A puff of hot air hits my face and I exhale a frustrated breath at the sight of the black char covering the slices of bread. I carefully take the sheet pan out of the oven and set on the countertop, hoping no one will notice.

Who are you kidding, Alex? They look like fucking charcoal.

"Oh my," Mrs. Hughes gasps. "I-I can try to scrape off the excess, if you'd like."

"Wonderful, and I'll get the ham," I reply. "It should be ready by now."

"What's going on?"

Mrs. Hughes and I turn around from the stove and we're greeted by both Tommy and Georgina looking quite stunned.

"Alex made breakfast for us. Isn't that nice of him?"

"Yeah, but why is the house all smoky?"

"Be kind, Thomas," Mrs. Hughes chides. "I'd like for you to set the table. Go on."

With Tommy occupied for the moment, I look over at Georgina and smile. She reciprocates the gesture with a little wiggly-fingered wave that creates that feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

"I think I've salvaged what I could with the bread. Is this everything, Alex?"

"Yes, ma'am, and I'll bring the eggs and ham to the table," I happily say, turning the last burner off. Once everything is on the table, we take our seats. "Go on and dig in- oh, ladies first. My apologies."

Mrs. Hughes smiles and reaches for the scrambled eggs first while Georgina takes a slice of bread. Once their plates have a little bit of everything on them, I start loading my plate.

"Aren't you hungry, Tommy?"

"The smell alone made me lose my appetite."

"Thomas Ralph Hughes, that was not nice. Apologize to Alex this instant."

"S'rry, mate."

Even though he only apologized because his mum forced him to, I still accept it.

"Now get some eggs and ham," she encourages and he sighs, reluctantly scooping some eggs onto his plate. "There. Now, let's eat."

I take my first bite of ham and just the texture alone makes me think I'm eating the rubber soles of my combat boots. I glance around the table to see what their reactions are and I'm not surprised by the looks on their faces.

"Are eggs supposed to be crunchy?"

I frown at Tommy's question, feeling a tad embarrassed.

"I might have gotten a few shells in the mixture," I sheepishly admit. "I thought I got them all. I didn't mean to leave any behind."

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