Thirty-Six ~ Communication

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"Have a good evening, lads, and don't forget to be here an hour early tomorrow morning for the truck. We've got a big shipment coming in. We'll need all the help we can get with unloading."

Everyone acknowledges Mr. Hughes' instructions as they pack up their work desks and I make a mental note for me and Tommy to get up early.

What am I going to do for breakfast? I'd hate for Mrs. Hughes to get up earlier than usual. And I sure as hell won't cook again. Oh shit! My lunch!

With that thought, I turn off my desk lamp and hurriedly make my way into the break room to grab my leftover lunch from the ice box. As I walk out, I unwrap my barely-eaten meatloaf sandwich and take a bite. I'm starving since I didn't finish it during my regular lunch break and this tastes like absolute heaven.

"There you are," Mr. Hughes says and I wipe my mouth with my sleeve. "Tommy and I were wondering where you were," he says and I hold up my lunch sack while chewing my bite. "Ah, is that your supper?"

"No, sir, I uhm, I wasn't all that hungry at lunch, so I saved it for later, for now."

"Well, don't let it spoil your real supper."

"I won't, sir," I answer, fitting my eyes to Tommy. "You ready?"

He nods with the same solemn expression he's worn all day and all three of us make our way out of the store. While Mr. Hughes locks up, I throw my empty lunch sack in the rubbish bin on the sidewalk and brush my hands on my trousers.

"Good night, boys, see you tomorrow," Mr. Hughes says with a wave.

"G'night, Mr. Hughes," I wave back and Tommy and I start heading down the sidewalk. "Listen, you've gotta snap out of it."

"I'm angry at myself, Al."

"I know, and I'm angry at you, too," I nudge his arm and he breathes out a laugh. "I've got a plan, though," I say, earning his interest. "Collin gave me great advice on how to fix this with Georgina and I think it'll work."

"He did? So he thinks Georgina will forgive me?"

"Not you, ya nitwit. Me and Georgina. She's your sister; I'm sure she's been angry with you plenty of times throughout your growing up. You can handle her wrath. Me, on the other hand, I'm trying to salvage a courtship that I'd like very much to result in marriage, so, not to sound crass, but you're on your own, mate."

He huffs a breath and gives me a slight shove in my arm, making me smirk and I realize we're already at Georgina's school. Several students are standing around talking underneath the awning while some are leaving for the day.

"Do you see her?" I ask Tommy while looking around the crowded courtyard.

"She usually waits for us on the steps with Susan."

"I know that, but I don't see her," I huff out in irritation. "Her classes are over, right?"

"Yeah . . . wait, is that her?" Tommy taps my shoulder and I look over to see a girl walking rather quickly down the sidewalk. "It is her. Georgina!"

"Georgina, wait up!" I call out and both of us take off running after her.

"Wait! Georgie, hold up!"

She finally stops and turns around to face us and the tears rolling down her cheeks break my heart.

"I have nothing to say to either of you boys," she quips and turns back around.

Her words act like a knife to my heart and I remember Collin's advice.

"N-no, please, Georgina," I beg and quickly move to stand in front of her, effectively stopping her from walking. "We have to keep talking. W-we have to keep the line of communication open if we want to make it to ten years. We can't throw in the towel."

She furrows her eyebrows in curiosity and I take her hand in mine, keeping eye contact with her.

"I didn't realize me not telling you about Tommy first would upset you, but I truly apologize. It was never my intention to hurt you. Please, love, you've gotta believe me."

Her silence isn't a good sign, but the desperate look in her eyes gives me hope.

"I promise you, Georgina, the next time Tommy does something dumb-brained, I'll tell you straight away," I joke, earning the faintest of smiles.

"C'mon, Georgie, don't punish Al for my stupid actions. You can stay angry with me for the rest of your life, I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, but please don't hold this against him."

Our pleas seem to have worked their way into her heart and she wipes away her tears.

"Alright, I'll forgive you on one condition, Tommy."

"Anything, Georgie."

"You have to promise never to snoop in Alex's room or mine-"

"Done. I won't step foot in either room unless invited."

"Good, but that's not all," she sternly says and even I nervously gulp. "You have to lay off the policeman act when Alex and I are together. That's means no groaning when we hold hands or hug or-"

"Wait," I interrupt and she looks over at me. "Does this mean we're still going steady?"

She nods gently with a small smile and I exhale in relief.

"Oh my darling, you have no idea how happy that makes me."

"Or me!"

"Shut up, Tom Tom and look away," Georgina grins and practically flings herself into my arms.

As I hold my woman in my arms, I close my eyes and duck my head to her shoulder. I gently sway us back and forth, smiling at her giggle and I lean back to look at her.

"As much as I'd like to celebrate right here, right now with you, we should head home. I wouldn't want to worry your mum."

"Oh heavens no," she agrees with a worried expression. "I'd hate to be put on Restriction our first day of our courtship."

"Very true, and speaking of Restriction," I pause, placing my hand on Tommy's shoulder and I smirk, "we've got to get him home, since he's on Restriction."

"Tom Tom, you're on Restriction?" Georgina gasps.

"Yeah," he sighs in defeat. "I fessed up to Mum and well, I won't be doing anything fun for the next two weeks."

"Oh," Georgina covers her giggle. "Good. Serves you right."

"Alright, I think he's been punished enough," I chuckle, reaching for Georgina's hand, "especially since he has to see us hold hands on the way home," I say in a taunting voice and Tommy huffs out a heavy breath, walking around us. "Oh, lemme carry your book bag, love."

"Okay," she happily agrees and I fit the strap over my shoulder. "And don't forget, I'll carry my book bag tomorrow."

That works out since Tommy and I have to be at work early. Wow. Things are finally looking up.

As Georgina and I follow behind, I feel as though I don't have a heavy weight on my shoulders anymore and I bring Georgina's hand up to my lips.

If I can't kiss her on the lips or cheek, I'll kiss her hand.

"Oh Alex," she swoons, grinning from ear to ear and I wink at my woman.

"I don't even wanna know what's going on back there," Tommy says, making us both laugh and Georgina sticks out her tongue at him.

"And we wouldn't tell you any how."***

A/N: Phew 😅 I'm so glad it worked out with Alex and Georgina, oh yeah, and Tommy!

If you're glad, too, you can vote for the chapter 😂 ⭐️

Much Love.

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