Thirty-Three ~ Respect

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"Thank you again for the meal, Mrs. Hughes. It was very good, but it didn't hold a candle to your cooking."

"Oh you're exaggerating, love," she blushes, opening the door to the house. "They're professional cooks."

"Sure, but those cooks are lacking one ingredient that you have."

"What's that?"

"Love," I smirk and she rolls her eyes into a smile.

"Alright, in you three go," she playfully shoos us inside.

"After you, Georgina," I politely gesture for her to go in first.

"Thank you, Alex," she grins, walking inside and I follow her. "Say, who would like to play a rousing game of Dominoes?"

"It's rather late, Georgina. You have school in the morning and Tommy and Alex have work."

"Yeah, speaking of that, I'm gonna hit the hay," Tommy says, earning confused looks from Mrs. Hughes and Georgina.

"If you're not feeling well, then maybe you should stay home tomorrow," Mrs. Hughes suggests. "I'll make some soup."

"No, Mum, it's not that . . . can I speak with you in private, please?"

"Of course, love."

"So that's a definite 'no' to playing Dominoes tonight then?" Georgina looks at me with sad eyes that nearly break my heart in two.

"How about we play tomorrow right after we get home, yeah?" I offer. "That way we'll have more time and we won't be so tired."

"Yeah, that sounds like a swell idea."

Aw, look at that smile.

"Wonderful, that's settled then," Mrs. Hughes says. "Now, Georgina, I'd like for you to get your book bag ready for tomorrow and head on to bed."

"Yes, Mum," she agrees, turning to face me. "Thank you for a lovely evening, Alex. I had a wonderful time with you tonight."

"I had a wonderful time with you, as well, Georgina."

She takes her bottom lip between her teeth and I know she's too nervous to ask, so I decide to ask her.

"Might I have a goodnight hug?"

"Oh yes, Alex," she grins and moves quickly to embrace me in a hug.

With her arms around my shoulders, I wrap mine around her back and hold her close. The sweet scent of her perfume makes me smile and I close my eyes, wishing our hug would never end.

She's the only lassie I want to hug for the rest of my life.

Soothing her back one last time, I lean back and fit my eyes to hers.

"Will you walk me to school in the morning?"

"Don't I always?"

"Yes, but now we can hold hands while we walk," she grins and I swear my heart is about to burst through my chest.

"Of course, and I get to carry your book bag now, and not because you aren't strong or independent enough, but because I want to."

"Oh Alex," she sighs, smiling with the brightest smile.

"Alright, you two," Mrs. Hughes says with amusement in her tone, "up to your rooms, please."

"Yes, ma'am."

Georgina and I agree at the same time and I hold out my arm, waiting for her. She links her arm through mine and I lead us upstairs, leaving Mrs. Hughes and Tommy in the living room. As we approach her door, I feel her hand gently squeeze my arm and I clear my throat.

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