Thirty ~ Beginning

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The morning sun's warm light on my face makes me smile as I walk down the Hughes' street. Even though I've been up before everyone including the sun, I'm not tired because today is the beginning of mine and Georgina's courtship.

Never in a million years would I have guessed she'd fancy me, especially after our first meeting.

I can still feel those apples she hurled at my stomach.

Smiling to myself, I stop at the gate in front of the house and exhale one last nervous breath. I walk up to the porch with determination, wiping my sweaty palms on my trousers and I fix my sports coat before opening the door.

Noise from the kitchen lets me know everyone is up and I feel a jolt of energy rush through my body. Willing myself to remain calm, I walk over to the entryway and clear my throat.

"There you are!" Tommy exclaims, getting up from the table. "We thought you had done packed your things and left."

"We didn't think that, Thomas. You did," Mrs. Hughes corrects him, setting a plate of flapjacks in the center of the table and she smiles softly at me. "Where have you been, love?"

"Yeah, where've you been, Al? I thought I told you seven o'clock sharp. And what are you all dressed up for?"

"Leave the poor boy alone," Mrs. Hughes chides. "It's now just a few minutes after seven, and I didn't tell him a specific time for the meeting."

"Well, I did, last night," he huffs, crossing his arms. "C'mon, let's have it. Why are you late, Al?"

"Alright, I wanted to purchase a real bundle of flowers, for Georgina, but I didn't know the flower shop is closed on Sundays, so I went by the treehouse cos I remembered there were a sh- . . . a bunch all around that area. I wanted to make this a special day for Georgina. Please don't bust my chops for being one minute late."

Tommy rolls his eyes, huffing a breath, "Fine, but next time-"

"I'll be one minute early," I cut him off with a smirk.

"Okay, now, have a seat right here and I'll get Georgie."

"Where is she?"

"She's been in the loo all morning getting dressed. I told you she's into that fru fru girly shit."

"Watch your language, Thomas."

"S'rry, Mum."

"Now get your sister. Breakfast is ready," she says and he leaves the kitchen. "Help yourself, Alex. Would you like a glass of milk?"

"Yes, ma'am, and I know I say this every time, but thank you for cooking our meals."

"I enjoy cooking, but your gratitude is appreciated."

Whispered yelling captures my attention and I turn around in my chair, feeling my breath catch in my throat. The sight of Georgina in her black dress with colorful flowers printed all over, which just so happens to be one of my favorites, and her hair down framing her beautiful face make me nearly lose control, but I remember we're not alone.

Damn. How can we ever be alone with Eagle Eye Tommy on guard?

"You put too much of Mum's tinted cheek powder on."

"Stop it," Georgina smacks his hand away and fluffs her hair, fitting her eyes to mine.

The smile on her face is one that says a thousand words without speaking any. If I could capture it with an expensive camera so I could keep it forever, I would in a heartbeat.

"Good morning, Alex," she greets me, taking a timid step closer and I stand from the table.

"Good morning, Georgina. Here, these are for you," I grin, handing her the bundle of flowers and she smiles brightly.

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