Twenty-Seven ~ Humor

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"Oh good, your mum's not home yet," I sigh in relief as Tommy and I walk up the porch to the house.

"You're happy about that? I thought you wanted to talk to her about Georgie."

"I do! I do, but I need all the time I can get to prepare. Believe me, talking to you took all the courage I had."

He shakes his head with a smile and we step inside the house. I make my way into the kitchen and carefully set the giftbox on the table. I turn around to walk back into the living room and I'm unable to control my smile.

I quietly stand still in my spot so I don't interrupt them and the smile on Georgina's face stirs those feelings inside my heart.

"Really? It went well?" she presses Tommy for an answer and he nods. "Oh my goodness, I feel like my heart is going to fly out of my chest."

I clear my throat, hoping to earn their attention and both of them look over at me. Georgina smiles, letting go of Tommy's hands and she runs up to me. She practically flings herself into my arms, knocking a puff of breath from my lungs and I respond quickly by wrapping my arms around her back.

A purposeful clearing of a throat snaps me out of my daze and Georgina and I let go of each other, taking a step back.

"You two are gonna need a chaperone for everything, aren't ya?" Tommy chuckles. "Mum and I will have to make special rules for you two."

Georgina's expression is one of utter shock and I can tell she just wants to clock her brother for embarrassing her.

That makes two of us. But what's a chaperone?

"Mum should be home soon, which means my radio show is about to come on," Tommy says. "You two wanna have a listen with me?"

"I'd rather do a million Calculus problems," Georgina grumbles and I cover my smile with my hand.

"Suit yourself," he says in a taunting manner, walking over to the radio in the corner of the living room. "How about you, Al? Care to solve a mystery with me and the Amazing Mr. Smith?"

"M'not one for mysteries but you enjoy."

"Party pooper," he teases and his smile fades into a stern look. "Alright now, stay where I can keep an eye on you two."

"But we're not going steady yet, Tom Tom, and as far as anyone is concerned, Alex and I are still friends, until he talks with Mum, so lay off the Physical Policeman act for a minute."

"Like it or not, I am your big brother and that means I need to protect you. Now, you two can either sit in here with me or at the table in the kitchen, across from each other. And no playing footsie under the table, either."

Damn. He's a strict bugger. I feel bad for his kids someday, especially the lassies.

"Fine," Georgina quips and turns to face me. "Mr. Rutherford, would you care to accompany me into the kitchen where we can sit across from each other?"

"S-sure, I'd love to," I reply, glancing over at Tommy who's watching us like a hawk. "Uhm, after you, Miss Hughes."

Georgina huffs out a purposeful high-pitched breath directed at her brother and she turns on her heels to walk into the kitchen. I politely nod my head at Tommy and follow her into the kitchen, rushing over to the chair and our hands brush together.

"Lemme do that for you, please," I bring out the chair, smiling proudly that I remembered my manners. "I know you're an independent woman who can carry her own schoolbooks and get her own chair, but I'd quite like to do those things for you now."

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