Forty ~ Dreaming

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A/N: Here's the surprise! After Dunkirk will now be in both Alex's and Georgina's POV 🤗 Whoever inspires me for the chapter will be the POV and I'll indicate it at the beginning. I hope y'all like it ❤️

***Georgina's POV

"Mum! Mum, were are you?" I call out, closing the back door behind me and I make my way into the living room. "Oh there you are."

"What's wrong, love? Is your picnic over already?" Mum asks, setting her knitting needles in the basket next to her on the sofa.

"Yeah, did you call it quits?" Tommy asks.

"No, it's not over yet and no, I did not call it quits, Tom Tom," I glare at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "And you can stop with your sneaky spying, y'know. Alex respects me enough not to try anything."

"Thomas, were you spying on them?" Mum asks and Tommy sighs a heavy breath.

"I just went to rinse my cup from the tea I had earlier and I might've glanced out the window at the exact moment they were hugging."

"And you 'might've' tapped on the kitchen window to interrupt us," I justly accuse, putting my hands on my hips.

"Thomas Ralph Hughes," Mum chides and I decide to let her reprimand him while I go up to my room.

Alex is still waiting for me in the backyard where he prepared our special anniversary picnic and I don't want to take a long time. I hurry over to my closet and reach up to the top shelf that's perfect for hiding presents and I grab the small white gift box.

After tucking the letter Alex wrote to me under my pillow to read later, I hurry back downstairs and stop at the end of the sofa.

"How's my hair, Mum?" I ask, earning her attention.

"Lovely as always, but your lipstick is a bit smudged," she points out and I wipe my finger underneath my bottom lip to fix it.

"Why is it smudged, Georgie, hm?"

I growl in irritation, deciding to let it go for now and I hurry into the kitchen. Once I'm outside, I shut the door behind me and smile at the sight of my handsome beau.

Alex is waiting patiently for me, no doubt bored from already packing up the picnic basket and I take a moment to appreciate him. He looks incredibly dreamy in his simple buttoned-down black and yellow shirt and gray trousers and there's no doubt in my mind that he'll offer his suit jacket for me to wear soon.

I can't believe how lucky I am. Alex loves me and I love him. Oh my goodness.

Exhaling a nervous breath, I fluff my hair one last time and smooth out the skirt on my dress before walking across the yard, hiding the gift box behind my back. I clear my throat to announce my presence so I don't startle him and he hurriedly stands up from the blanket.

"There you are," he says with a smile that makes his dimples pop; a boyish feature in his striking manly physique that I adore. "I was beginning to think you forgot about me."

"Oh I'd never, Alex. I had to make sure Tommy won't spy on us anymore. Mum used all three of his names so I'm sure she's letting him have it."

"Ah," he says in realization. "I suppose we should set him up with a lad so we can give him a taste of his own medicine, yeah?"

"Yeah," I agree and he holds out his hand for mine. He helps us sit on the blanket and I make sure my skirt covers my legs. "Alright, I made you something for our one month anniversary, but if you don't like it, I can figure something else out."

"What? Oh darling, you didn't have to make me anything."

"Okay, if you don't want it, I can just give it to Tom Tom," I say in a taunting manner and he gasps.

"You wouldn't."

"You're right; I wouldn't," I giggle, bringing the gift box from behind my back. "Happy one month anniversary, Alex."

"Thank you, Georgina. Oo, what could it possibly be?" he hums, shaking the box by his ear and I cover my laugh at his humor. "Let's see here," he tears off the ribbon and opens the box, fitting his gorgeous green eyes to mine. "You made this?"

"Mhm, just for you," I reply and he takes out the small pouch. "There's more inside. I had to start over a few times so the stitching could be perfect and I hope you like the fabrics," I explain while he opens the monogrammed pouch and he takes out the handkerchiefs. "Do you like them?"

"Oh Georgina, they're beautiful

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"Oh Georgina, they're beautiful. No one's ever made anything for me before. Thank you, love."

"You're welcome," I reply, leaning over and I kiss his cheek.

As I sit back down, a shiver leaves my body and I hurriedly fix my hair from the sudden gust of wind. Alex sets the box down and takes off his suit coat, scooting closer to me. I thank him as he drapes his jacket over my shoulders and he winks at me as he sits back down.

Oh my goodness. I love it when he winks at me.

"Would you care to go inside now?" he asks and I realize how dark it's gotten all of a sudden.

"I suppose, but can I still wear your suit coat?"

"Of course. I quite like it when you wear my coats cos your perfume stays on it afterwards," he says and I can't stop smiling. "Alright, let's go inside. Lemme help you up."

I place my hands in his and stand to my feet, thanking him with a smile. He quickly gathers the blanket and basket and picks up the gift box containing his monogrammed handkerchiefs.

"Before we go inside and are under Tom Tom's microscope," I begin, earning his attention, "I just want to say thank you again for this lovely anniversary picnic. This past month has been the best of my life. It's almost too good to be true; it's like I'm dreaming."

"Oh Georgina, my darling, this is very much real life, and I love you with every beat of my heart," he replies, cupping my cheek with his hand. I swallow harshly at the thought of kissing him again, only this time not to spite my big brother. His eyes dart back and forth to mine and he clears his throat, removing his hand. "We should go inside now."

Nodding in answer, I link my arm through his and we make our way back to the patio. He opens the door for me to enter first and I thank him before stepping inside the kitchen.

"Well well well, did you two have a nice time?"

"We really did, Tommy. Thanks for asking," Alex smugly replies and I cover my laugh with my hand. "I think there's an extra cookie in the basket. You can have it if you want."

"Swell! Thanks, mate," he lightens up, greedily opening the basket and I fit my eyes to Alex.

"Care to play a rousing game of Dominoes with me, just for fun?" he asks and I clap in excitement.

"I'd love to, Alex."***

A/N: *peeks head around corner* did everyone like Georgina's POV?
You can press the star ⭐️ if you did wink wonk

Much Love.

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