Seventeen ~ Game

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"What was that?" Dottie asks, gently pushing me off of her.

"What was what?" I open my eyes, trying to catch my breath thanks to our hot and heavy necking session.

"Sounded like my father shutting his automobile door," she sits up in her bed, worriedly looking around her bedroom. Her hair is messed up and her lipstick is a little smudged, which I help fix with the pad of my thumb. "Did you hear it?"

"I honestly didn't hear anything, darling," I admit, trying not to stare at her dress that is unbuttoned thanks to my handiwork. I cup her cheek to gently turn her face to look at me and her worried look fades. "Maybe it's all in your pretty little head, hm?"

"I suppose, it's just, if they found out you're in my bedroom, their house-, you know my father forbade it and from us seeing each other, but you know what? I don't care. I'm a fourteen-year-old adult and can make my own decisions."

I can't help but smirk at my darling's rambling, but right now, there's a pressing matter in my trousers that needs attention. The same naughty look from when we first started reappears and she grabs me by my shirt collar and pulls me in.

Our lips collide in a toe-curling smooch and I lean my body into hers to gently lay us down on her bed. With our legs entangled, I place my hand on her hip and slide it up to her breast.

Even though my touch is through the material of her dress and undergarment, she inhales deeply, pulling away from our kiss. As my hand squeezes and plays with her breast, she reaches up and cards her hand through my hair and gives it a tug.

My dick is rock hard and it only makes me think of going all the way with her, but I know now is not the right time.

Be patient, Alex. It'll happen when it's supposed to happen.

"Oh, Alex, I lo-"

"Dorothy? Are you home?" a man's voice coming from the hallway snaps us out of our daze and we both look at her closed bedroom door.

"My father," she whispers in a panic. "Go hide in my closet. Now!"

My first instinct is to stay and protect her, but I realize it won't do any good if he kills me, so I scurry out of the bed and rush over to the closet. So I don't cause suspicion, I keep the door ajar just a bit and it helps me to hear what's happening.

"Dorothy Gail Meikle, what are you doing home from school?" her father asks and I hold my breath.

"I uhm, I wasn't feeling well."

"And why is your dress disheveled?"


"Did you bring that white boy in my house?"

"Father, please, you know his name."

"Did you?" his muffled, louder volume makes me shudder and I realize a whooping is in my future.


I know my darling hates to lie. She's lying for me.

"Okay then. Were you pleasuring yourself?"

My eyes widen at the thought and I feel myself leak in my trousers.

"What? Heavens, no! I was just uhm, taking a nap, cos I wasn't feeling well a-and had a bad dream."

"So help me, Dorothy, if you're lying to me, you and that white boy-"

"His name is Alex!"

"Alex? Alex are you alright?" Mrs. Hughes' worried voice snaps me out of my daydream.

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