Forty-Four ~ Dreamboat

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A/N: The girl in the bottom left of the collage is Susan, Georgina's best friend.

***Georgina's POV

A high-pitched whistling sound startles me out of my trance and I turn off the burner, simultaneously moving the steaming kettle to an unused burner. I gather two of Mum's tea cups and saucers from the China cabinet and set them on the table next to the plate of freshly made crumpets and raspberry jam.

Several knocks at the front door capture my attention and I excitedly wipe my hands on my apron before taking it off. I hang it on the hook in the broom closet and make my way out of the kitchen.

She rings the doorbell again and I hurriedly walk through the living room, smoothing out the skirt of my dress for any wrinkles and I make sure my hair is still presentable before opening the door.

"Good morning, love," I happily greet her.

"I thought you forgot about me coming over today," Susan sasses with a sly smile.

"I could never," I shake my head with a smile, gesturing for her to come inside. "Look at you, oh I love that dress," I compliment her while shutting the door and I notice it. "Wait a minute, you look like you're glowing. You look different."

"What? I think you're seeing things, Georgina," she waves it off and pulls me in for a hug.

"Alright, fine. I was just about to pour the tea. I also made crumpets and raspberry jam. Are you hungry?"

"Oo, yes, I'm famished," she says and I motion for her to follow me into the kitchen. "Are we the only ones here?"

"Yes. Mum and the boys are at work and I'm so glad you're here."

"I'm glad, too, cos I've been dying to tell you something."

I look over at her in curiosity, "Dying to tell me what?"

"Let's pour the tea first."

I roll my eyes with a sigh and begin pouring the hot water into the first tea cup. After we make our tea just how we like it, I gesture for her to pick a seat and once she sits down, I take a seat across from her.

"Help yourself now. I made plenty," I offer the plate of crumpets to her first and she thanks me, placing three on her saucer. "Okay, now what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

She covers her mouth while she finishes chewing and she grins, "It's about Albie. We sort of did . . . it . . . last night after graduation."

"It, as in . . .?" I can barely form a complete sentence I'm so in shock.

"Yeah," she sighs with a dreamy smile.

"So that's why you're glowing," I piece it together and she nods with a smile. "Alright, since you're the first one of us to do it, you've got to tell me how it was."

"First of all, it's nothing like they taught us in Health class."


"It's better," she nearly squeals out of excitement. "Mrs. Williamson made it sound boring and almost like a chore."

"Maybe they tell us that it's boring so we don't go out and do it with everyone we meet," I offer and Susan agrees with a nod. "Now give me all the juicy details."

"Well, after the graduation ceremony, we celebrated with our own families, then Albie picked me up in his father's Studebaker and took me to Reagan's Lane and-"

"Reagan's Lane? Oh my, isn't that where couples go to-"

"Yes, but he assured me that he just wanted to talk to me in private. With his four siblings and my three younger brothers, we don't really have a quiet place to talk."

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