Fifty-Eight ~ Soak

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***Georgina's POV

"Was the snack good?"

"Mhm," he hums in answer, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Good. If you're done with your plate, I'll wash the dishes now."

As he finishes chewing his last bite, he dabs his index finger around the plate to pick up any remaining crumbs from the crumpets. His adorable action makes me smile and he hands me the plate, fitting his eyes to mine.

"Thank you. They were delicious, but then again, there hasn't been a single meal you've made that I haven't enjoyed. My wife is a wonderful cook."

"Oh stop with the flattery," I grin, feeling my cheeks warm and I walk over to the sink.

As I set the plates down in the sink, I hear the squeak of the dining chair on the linoleum and I smile to myself. Squeezing a small amount of dish soap onto the sponge, I feel his presence behind me and he places his hands on my hips. It's like I've completely forgotten how to scrub a dish and it's all because of his kiss on my neck.

"What do you think you're doing?" I playfully chide and he hums against my neck.

Oh that feels so good.

"I'm helping you do the dishes," he answers, smoothing his hands around to my stomach.

"Hmm, it's quite an interesting way of helping me with the dishes," I muse and he breathes out a laugh onto my skin, making me shiver.

Since this is a lost cause, I turn off the faucet and place the sponge back in the holder. I dry my hands on the towel before turning around to face him and I'm met with a dimpled smile.

"I won," he simply says.

"Oh you did, did you?" I playfully challenge and he nods victoriously. "Well, Mr. Rutherford, who's going to scrub the marmalade from the dishes once it's dried?"

"Hmm, I've got an idea," he slyly says, leaning in closer to me and I hear the water start to run. "Why don't we let the dishes soak in the sink while you and I soak in the tub, yeah?" he bites his lip at me and the water stops running. "And since we already have the candles out because of the storm, we can light them all around the loo. Y'know, make it romantic and sh-," he clears his throat and smiles. "How does that sound, darling?"

"You mean . . . take a bath . . . together?"

Oh my goodness, this is-

"If you don't feel comfortable-"

"No, it's fine, honest. I was just thinking, is all," I say and he smiles softly. "It does sound rather romantic."

"It does. Doesn't it? Okay, c'mon, let's go," he takes my hand and hurriedly leads me into our bedroom, making me giggle. "Here we are. I'll start the water and leave you be to undress while I grab the candles."

He pecks my lips and hurries out, leaving me in a tizzy from his frantic actions. I roll my eyes into a smile and start unzipping my dress, simultaneously slipping off my heels. I walk over to the door to hang my dress on the hook so it doesn't get wrinkled and I pull my hair into a bun so it won't get wet.

"Christ," Alex says, earning my attention and his bugged out eyes roam my body up and down.

"Careful, you could slip from all that drool dripping from your mouth," I tease and he fits his eyes to mine. "You got the candles?" he nods. "And the matches."

"Shit," he huffs and rushes back out. I roll my eyes into a smile and walk over to the tub to check the running water. "Got 'em."

I look over my shoulder and grin, "Splendid. Now how do you like your baths? Hot? Tepid?"

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