Fifty-One ~ Vows

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***Alex's POV

With a slight tap to the gas pedal, I ease the automobile into our driveway and press the brake to come to a slow stop. I turn the key to turn off the motor and it suddenly becomes quiet.

A tiny exhale earns my attention and I notice Georgina mindlessly playing with her fingers on her lap in my peripheral vision. Smiling softly, I look over at her and cover her hands with mine.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Rutherford," I say and she smiles softly, glancing at the house. "Would you like to go inside?"

She hums with a nod and I take out the key from the ignition, simultaneously opening the door and I step out. I hold out my hand for hers and help her scoot out before shutting the door.

With our hands clasped together, we make our way up to the porch and I open the screen door, keeping my eyes on Georgina. Her nervous smile makes me hesitate opening the door and I gently cup her cheek with the hand that dons the symbol of our love.

"Are you ready to go inside, darling?"

"Mhm," she hums with a timid nod and I lean down to kiss my wife.

Our kiss is sweet and quick, considering we're in plain sight of our neighbors and I watch for her reaction. My reassuring kiss seems to have helped calm her and I push open the door.

"Welcome to our home, Mrs. Georgina Rutherford," I grin, placing my arms behind her back and legs and I pick her up to hold in my arms.

"I've always dreamed of my husband carrying me like this ever since I was a little girl."

"Hm, I didn't know that," I smirk and peck her cheek before stepping inside the house. "Here we are," I gently set her down and she thanks me while I shut the door. "I made sure the house was spotless before Tommy and I left for the ceremony this morning, but there's always a chance he could've made a mess without my knowing."

"Oh dear," she worriedly says and I notice it on the floor.

"Dammit, I told him to make sure he put all of the linens in the hamper," I growl out my annoyance, walking over to the end of the sofa and I pick up the lone pillowcase. "At least he gathered the sheets from the floor pallet I made for him."

"Wait, floor pallet? Why didn't he sleep on the sofa?"

"Cos I slept there."

"You slept on the sofa? Why didn't you sleep in our bedroom?"

"Because . . . I wanted the first time to be with you. It has fresh linens. I know that cos I made our bed."

"Oh Alex," she swoons, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "I love you."

"I love you, Georgina," I say with my whole heart, tipping my head down and she takes a step back.

"Uhm, I'm going to change out of my wedding dress now. Will you be okay out here?"

"Y-yeah, sure, of course, darling," I reply, trying to hold back my disappointment and she walks over to our bedroom down the hallway.

Breathing out a curse word, I rake my hand through my hair in frustration and sit down on the couch. I had thought she was just as ready as I am, but maybe she's more nervous than I thought.

But she moaned into our kiss earlier in the church. Was she just teasing me? Leading me on?

"Are you hungry?" she asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I look over to watch her walk toward me and my breath hitches in my throat. She has changed into a yellow sundress with a matching cardigan, one of my favorite outfits on her, and a pair of open-toed pumps and she has let her long hair down from how she had it for the ceremony.

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