Thirty-One ~ Celebration

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It's been twenty minutes since Mrs. Hughes went over the rules regarding the physical aspect of mine and Georgina's courtship and I can still feel my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

I spent the entire time looking at Mrs. Hughes' nose while she went through the rules one by one because I couldn't look her in the eyes. Much to my surprise and relief, the rules weren't as strict as I imagined they'd be.

What made the rules easier to accept was Mrs. Hughes' explanation of why Georgina and I should respect each other as a human being first and foremost. The whole booklet of assignments seemed unreasonable at first, especially the part where I have to save up a ridiculous amount of money, but I can see why Mrs. Hughes gave those goals for me.

But how am I supposed to earn a raise and save money and take Georgina to suppers during our courtship? Damn. This will be difficult. But I have to try.

A knock at my bedroom door brings me out of my thoughts and I set the booklet down on my bed.

"Alex, you in there?"

"Yeah, coming," I reply and open the door. "Hey, Tommy."

"Mum's finished talking with Georgie. She wants to talk to both of you in the living room."

"Okay, sure, yeah, I'll be right down."

"So, you and my little sister huh," he muses and I can't stop the smile from spreading across my face. "Hey, remember no impure thoughts about Georgie either."

"I'll have you know I was smiling because I'm so happy, you wanker."

"Oh, okay, but that rule still stands."

"Yes, I know, it was under the respecting each other section. Now if you'll kindly move, I have to go downstairs."

He moves to the side, dramatically gesturing his hand for me. I roll my eyes, patting his shoulder as I walk by him and I head on down the stairs. Georgina's sweet laugh makes my heart beat faster and I exhale my nerves, coming to a stop at the foot of the stairs.

"Uhm, you wanted to see me, Mrs. Hughes?"

"Yes, love, come have a seat," she pats the sofa cushion next to her and I make eye contact with Georgina as I sit down. "Do either of you have any questions for me concerning the rules or the assignments?"

"I do," I raise my hand. "Can I have extra paper for my booklet?"

"Of course, but why?"

"Cos I've already started on it and I need more room for my answers. I'm still working on my handwriting."

"You've already started on the booklet?" Georgina quietly asks and I look over at her with a smile.

"Of course I have, love. This courtship is very important to me, a-and I want to do right by you. Georgina, you deserve the very best."

"Oh, Alex," she grins, clasping her hands over her heart and she looks at her mum.

"That's a lovely thing to say," Mrs. Hughes praises. "Now that we've discussed the important details of your courtship, I'd say it's time for a celebration, wouldn't you think?"

"A celebration? Like what?" Georgina asks.

"I was thinking dinner at Sam's Steakhouse would fit the bill," she suggests and Georgina gasps.

"Mum, that place is so posh a-and expensive."

Oh shit. If it's that expensive, I don't think I have enough money to pay for me and Georgina. I'll just get a water.

"Quite, but this is a special occasion," Mrs. Hughes says and I force a smile so I don't appear nervous. "They have more than just steak. Their pork chops are very tender and they have different side dishes you can choose to go with the entree. Does that sound good to you, Alex?"

"Mhm, yes, ma'am," I answer quickly with a nod.

I should eat a slice of bread before we leave, that way I won't be too hungry. And a slice of roast beef with it. And maybe a pickle.

"It's settled then. I'll freshen up and we'll leave in a bit. Alex, will you let Tommy know, please?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oh wait," Georgina says, earning our attention. "Can I give Alex a hug now, seeing as it will be our first hug as a couple going steady a-and not just friends?"

"Of course, love," Mrs. Hughes says and gestures for me to come closer.

Swallowing harshly, I fit my eyes to Georgina's and I feel my heart pound in my chest. Her smile, however, calms me and I take the few steps, closing the distance between us.

She wraps her arms around my shoulders while I'm careful to place mine on her back and I close my eyes in complete contentment.

"You okay?" I whisper close to her ear, gently rubbing her back.

Georgina nods her head on my shoulder and I feel her start to pull away, so I lean back from our hug, fitting my eyes to hers. I want to tell her how much I love her, I want to tell her how much she means to me, but my nerves seem to have taken over.

"That was lovely," Mrs. Hughes says and it's then that I remember she's in the living room with us. "Why don't we all get ready to go to supper, yeah?"

"Sounds good, Mum. Can I use some more of your lipstick and cheek powder?"

"Of course, love."

"Wait, can I say something, if I may?"

"Yes, Alex. What's on your mind?" Mrs. Hughes asks and I exhale a nervous breath.

"It's just, I think, well I know, not think, you are beautiful, just as you are, Georgina and you don't need any of that goopy cosmetic stuff. If you enjoy wearing it, then by all means wear it, but I don't want you to think you have to wear it in order to be beautiful or worse, that you have to wear it for me. Georgina, I lo-, uhm, I mean, I think you're beautiful just how you are."

Her red-painted lips part slightly, allowing her shallow breaths to flow through and her blue eyes have become glossy, almost like she's going to cry.

"That was very kind of him to say, wasn't it, love?" Mrs. Hughes encourages and Georgina nods, still keeping eye contact with me. "Alright, let's get ready to leave so we can get there before they close."

"Yes, ma'am. I just need to get my billfold then I'll be ready," I say and politely gesture my arm for the ladies to head upstairs first.

Shit, I hope I didn't hurt Georgina's feelings or embarrass her. That's not how I want to start our courtship.

I reach the top of the stairs and the door to the loo opens and the sound of the toilet flushing captures my attention. Tommy stops at the open doorway, making eye contact with me and I greet him with a smile.

"Your mum suggested we all go to some steakhouse for supper to celebrate. How does that sound?"

"Good," he quips.

"Hey, are you okay?" I press for an answer and he huffs a breath. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just . . . I read your answers."

"My answers? You mean my answers in the booklet?"

Tommy nods and I feel my blood start to boil in anger.

"Are you boys ready?"

I take a second to calm myself before turning around to face Mrs. Hughes and I force a smile.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Splendid, now let's celebrate."***

A/N: omg 😱 why would Tommy do that?!?! Hehe I know why 😂

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I'm working on the next chapter now. Gee, I hope Alex doesn't clock Tommy 😂

Much Love.

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